ACE Weekly 06/22/2007 - 06/28/2007

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Monday, 07/02/2007.


DOY 176 (06/25/2007)  GND-184  Operations Performed on RIONet
Operations have been transitioned from String 1 (Closed IONet) to String 3
(Restricted IONet).

DOY 177 (06/26/2007)  GND-176  String 1 Transition to RIONet
The final string of workstations is being transitioned to the Restricted
IONet.  ACE no longer uses the Closed IONet.


RIONET/ROBOTT - String 1 is being tested on the RIONet.  Work continues to
have DSN 0158 Monitor Data sent to the ACE MOC.  The ROBOTT v1.0.3 upgrade
install will be scheduled in the upcoming weeks.

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  Installation in the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.

DSN/SPS/FDF - FDF has tentatively agreed to 12 weeks of predictive
ephemeris.  This will provide DSN SPS with their required 8 weeks of
predictive ephemeris and allow up to 4 weeks between ephemeris generation.
Note, ACE ephemeris files are generated and delivered with each attitude

Planning continues for integrating ACE operations into a multi-mission ops
center (MMOC).


Update on AR#G07-0055 - Problems with String 2 have been isolated to the
front end workstation.  When TPOCC is running on the front end, "Data server
received an unknown request" messages occur.  Troubleshooting continues.

DOY 175  06/24/2007  S-ACE-0200  G07-0056  Fanoutace Cold Start
The fanout that feeds data to the ACE MOC, NOAA and ASC had a cold restart
before the pass at 12:51:16z and during the pass at 14:28:04z.  Telemetry
was back online after 86 seconds.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  The daily ULEIS motor check was being executed during the
TLM dropout.  ULSRB_MOT_ERR was not available and the procedure did not
complete the checkout.   The ULEIS motor check was successfully completed
later in the pass.  Side note, the ULEIS motor has only flagged once
(09/13/2005) in the past 5 years that it has been checked.

DOY 176  06/25/2007  S-ACE-0201  G07-0057  String 3 Disk Drive Remount
The String 3 /trend drive needed to be remounted by the system
administrators.  This was discovered as String 3 was being readied for
IMPACT:  Minimal.

DOY 177  06/26/2007  S-ACE-0202  G07-0058  DSS-27 Antenna Stop
DSS-27 antenna stopped at 1705z.  Downlink and uplink lost at 1707z.
Downlink re-established at 1711z and uplink re-established at 1713z
IMPACT:  Minimal.  The end of pass checkout was still being performed when
the antenna stopped, but was completed before 1707z when downlink and uplink
were lost.

DOY 179  06/28/2007  S-ACE-0203  G07-0059  TAPS2 Data Capture Failure
The trending software (TAPS) data capture daemon stopped receiving VC1
(real-time) data on DOY 178.  The data capture daemon often fails when work
on the network is being performed.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  VC1 data ingested from DSN CDR file.

DOY 179  06/28/2007  S-ACE-0204  G07-0060  AC3PR3 Printer Not Printing
The String 3 printer is having a recurring problem printing.  This last
occurred on 05/09/2007 (AR#G07-0037).  Unknown if this is a hardware,
software, configuration or network problem.
IMPACT:  Time and effort troubleshooting

DOY 179  06/28/2007  S-ACE-0205  G07-0061  AC1XT3 Failure
One of the XTerminals on String 1 did not complete a reboot successfully.
Unknown if this is a hardware or software problem.  System Administrators
continue to troubleshoot the issue.
IMPACT:  Time and effort troubleshooting