ACE Weekly 08/24/2007 - 08/30/2007

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        08/24/2007
	DOY         236 2007
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    13:34 min
	Start       14:44:44z
	Stop        14:58:18z
	StartHGA    -6.63deg
	StopHGA     +7.24deg
	Firing      69 pulses
	FuelUsed     0.2259lbs
	FuelRemain  154.844lbs
	FinalSCMass 1389.104lbs

The next attitude maneuver and station keeping #45 are scheduled for
Thursday, 09/06/2007.




Space Link Extension (SLE) - Testing was performed with DSS-27 (Tuesday
08/28/2007) and DSS-24 (Wednesday 08/29/2007).  On both tests, commands were
sent to DSN using SLE and successfully transmitted to the spacecraft.  Some
problems were discovered with the ACE MOC SLE software, most of which have
been resolved by changing the configuration of the software.  No problems
were discovered with DSN.  Testing and configuration of the ACE SLE software
continues.  More DSN SLE Tests have been scheduled for Thursday 09/06/2007
(D66); Tuesday 09/11/2007 (D34) and Wednesday 09/12/2007 (D46).

Planning continues for integrating ACE operations into a multi-mission ops
center (MMOC).  The current TPOCC mission software will be replaced by ITOS
and the ROBOTT automation software will be replaced by GMSEC tools (CAT,
GREAT, ANSR, etc).  The ADS attitude software will be replaced by
MSASS/MTASS.  The timeline for when this will occur has not yet been


DOY 239  08/27/2007  S-ACE-0220  G07-0074  No DSN Monitor Data
The ACE MOC did not receive DSN 0158 monitor data from Tuesday 08/21/2007 to
Tuesday 08/28/2007.  The problem was due to a disabled ACE MOC firewall
rule.  Local SysAdmins re-enabled the firewall rule on Tuesday 08/28/2007.
IMPACT:  DSN Monitor data is very useful for resolving DSN problems.  There
were no DSN problems during this time.

DOY 242  08/30/2007  S-ACE-0221  G07-0075  DSS-27 Antenna Stop
DSS-27 stopped tracking 5 minutes into the pass (1611z).  The station was
able to perform a remote reset; tracking was resumed after 15 minutes
(1626z) and the uplink re-established at 1629z.  The cause is unknown.
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 20 minutes.