ACE Weekly 08/31/2007 - 09/06/2007

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude       Attitude       SK-45
	Date        09/06/2007     09/06/2007     09/06/2007
	DOY         249 2007       249 2007       249 2007
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-     2R 4R+ 4R-     3A 4A
	Duration    3:12 min       9:05 min       53.574 sec
	Start       15:48:20z      17:02:11z      18:53:58z
	Stop        15:51:32z      17:11:16z      18:54:52z
	StartHGA    -7.10deg       -4.18deg       +8.20deg
	StopHGA     -4.18deg       +8.20deg       +7.85deg
	Firing      17 pulses      46 pulses      Continuous
	FuelUsed     0.0628lbs      0.1556lbs      0.1944lbs
	FuelRemain  154.7812lbs    154.6256lbs    154.4312lbs
	FinalSCMass 1389.041lbs    1388.885lbs    1388.691lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Wednesday, 09/19/2007.




Space Link Extension (SLE) - DSS-66 was not able to support the SLE test on
Thursday 09/06/2007.  Additional configuration files (Desktops) are needed
for the 26m antennas that were not needed for the 34m antennas.  DSN will be
delivering the configuration files to the 26m antennas for the upcoming
DSS-46 test.  Testing and configuration of the ACE SLE software continues.
DSN SLE Tests have been scheduled for Tuesday 09/11/2007 (D34) and Wednesday
09/12/2007 (D46).

Planning continues for integrating ACE operations into a multi-mission ops
center (MMOC).  The current TPOCC mission software will be replaced by ITOS
and the ROBOTT automation software will be replaced by GMSEC tools (CAT,
GREAT, ANSR, etc).  The ADS attitude software will be replaced by
MSASS/MTASS.  The timeline for when this will occur has not yet been

DSN warned of possible Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) on Wednesday
09/05/2007 and Thursday 09/06/2007.  No impact to the pass was noticed.


DOY 244  09/01/2007  S-ACE-0222  G07-0076  TPOCC Startup Incomplete
On Saturday, TPOCC was not able to start the process for connecting the
command echo port.  The FOT arrived in the MOC at BOT and started
troubleshooting the problem.  By BOT+35minutes it was decided to continue
with the pass since receiving DSN command echoes was not critical.  The
problem occurred again on Sunday 09/02/2007.  At BOT+15minutes, it was again
decided to continue with the pass without the DSN command echoes.  The
SysAdmins were notified and after the Sunday pass, the front end workstation
was rebooted and this resolved the problem.  Note, the ROBOTT automation
software was not designed to do a failover to the backup string if the TPOCC
mission software does not completely start.
IMPACT:  The TPOCC software could not continue without manual intervention.
Saturday activities delayed 35 minutes, Sunday activities delayed 15
minutes.  FOT effort for troubleshooting the problem.

DOY 247  09/04/2007  S-ACE-0223  G07-0077  Archive Files Overwritten
While archiving TPOCC history files from the SLE test passes (08/28/2007 &
08/29/2007), additional TPOCC history files were transferred which overwrote
the original files from the operations pass.  Fortunately, the original
files were retrieved from the dual archive on the acetlanpc.
IMPACT:  TPOCC history files are archived internally and do not impact ASC
level zero processing.

DOY 249  09/06/2007  S-ACE-0224  G07-0078  Incorrect Title for DSN Test/SPS
DSN is using the ACE downlink to test DSS-16 for DAWN launch support.  This
is not a problem and DSN has performed tests like these in the past.
However, with DSN's new Service Preparation Subsystem (SPS), these passes
have ACE listed as the USER in the DSN schedule.  The ROBOTT automation
software configures ACE passes unless TEST or TST are in the activity field.
DSN NOPEs were told that TEST or TST needed in the activity field.  However,
a DSS-16 test was scheduled for Wednesday 09/06/2007, but did not have TEST
or TST in the activity field.  The FOT requested the DSN Ops Chief correct
the DSN schedule.
IMPACT:  If the schedule was not corrected, then the ROBOTT automation
software would have started another instance of the mission software during
our maneuvers.

DOY 249  09/06/2007  S-ACE-0225  G07-0079  ROBOTT/C&C Start 2 Procs & Froze
ROBOTT/C&C started 2 procedures without waiting for the other to complete;
S_OPS_PLBK_COMPLETE/19:01:43 and G_END_DAY/19:05:48.  Both procedures
eventually completed successfully, but C&C eventually froze.  CDSID#21085,
#21122 & #21192
IMPACT:  These are recurring issues that the ROBOTT developers are aware of.
Procedure G_ACEDOWN was not performed.