ACE Weekly 09/21/2007 - 09/27/2007

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were performed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Monday, 10/08/2007.


DOY 270 (09/27/2007)  GND-187  ACE SLE v3.1 Software Install
This upgrade of the ACE MOC SLE software uses the newest libraries from the
Vega/Anite commercial software and includes other fixes.  There were a few
minor issues with the install and the install was only completed on ac1sle1.
The software will be reinstalled after the issues have been resolved.


The DOY 270 pass was shortened to accommodate the SELENE and DAWN missions.
SSR playback is expected to be caught up within the next 2 days.  Note,
there is a slight increase in the risk of data loss since redumps are not
done while catching up on the SSRs.

Space Link Extension (SLE) Testing status
DSN has not been able to troubleshoot the SLE problems with the 26m subnet
due to the DAWN launch on Thursday 09/27/2007.  DSN troubleshooting will
continue next week.  There was no successful bind with the 26m DTF (DSN Test
Facility) during the developer test on Friday 09/21/2007.

Multi-Mission Ops Center (MMOC)
Planning continues to look for ways to compress the schedule for
transitioning to the MMOC.


DOY 270  09/27/2007  S-ACE-0230  G07-0084  S3DPU_I Limit Violation
S3DPU current (S3DPU_I) briefly violated the red high limit (RH > 145mA).
The S3DPU Idle Counter (SSDIDLECTR) will be available after the playback is
complete on Friday 09/30/2007.
	2007-270-16:36:48 - 16:36:49  149.744-150.528mA
IMPACT:  The last brief S3DPU_I violation was 2007-202-17:40:11.