ACE Weekly 09/28/2007 - 10/04/2007

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were performed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Monday, 10/08/2007.


DOY 270 (10/03/2007)  GND-187  ACE SLE v3.1 Software Install
The ACE MOC SLE software was re-installed on both SLE workstations using
updated install procedures.


Space Link Extension (SLE) Testing status
DSN continues to troubleshoot 26m SLE problems.  A DSS-66 test was performed
on Thursday 10/04/2007.  DSN implemented a correction to the 26m desktop.
However, the ACE MOC SLE software was unable bind to DSS-66 due to a
configuration error with the ACE MOC SLE software.  The configuration error
is being investigated.

The following tests have been scheduled for testing both DSN and the ACE MOC
SLE upgrade (v3.1)
	Day  Date   DOY  Station
	Thu  10/18  291  DSS-34
	Mon  10/22  295  DSS-66
	Wed  10/24  297  DSS-46
	Thu  10/25  298  DSS-34
	Thu  11/01  305  DSS-66 with DSS-27
	Thu  11/01  305  DSS-27

Multi-Mission Ops Center (MMOC)
Planning continues to look for ways to compress the schedule for
transitioning to the MMOC.


DOY 275  10/02/2007  S-ACE-0231  G07-0084  AC1WS3 Display Failure
A monitor on the prime operations string failed.  Hardware maintenance was
notified and replaced the monitor.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Automation was able to take the pass without manual

DOY 276  10/03/2007  S-ACE-0232  G07-0085  DSS-66 Antenna Pointing
Problems with the ground station autotrack and ground receiver caused the
ground antenna Y axis offset to be 0.5deg.  Ground station switched to PGM
mode to get back on point at 1310z.  The spacecraft receiver B lost lock on
the uplink, but there was no impact since C&DH B commanding had already been
IMPACT:  Minimal.  1 minute telemetry outage.