ACE Weekly 10/17/2007 - 10/23/2007

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were performed.  The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for
Monday, 10/29/2007.




Space Link Extension (SLE) Testing status
Commanding has been successful with a 26m station (DSS-66).  However, DSS-66
forwarded uncorrectable Reed-Solomon frames, which indicates that further
26m desktop configuration is necessary.  The following tests were completed.
	Day  Date   DOY  Station
	Wed  10/17  290  DSS-54
	Thu  10/18  291  DSS-34
	Mon  10/22  295  DSS-66

The following tests have been scheduled for upcoming weeks
	Day  Date   DOY  Station
	Wed  10/24  297  DSS-46
	Thu  10/25  298  DSS-34
	Mon  10/29  302  DSS-46
	Thu  11/01  305  DSS-66 with DSS-27
	Thu  11/01  305  DSS-27
	Mon  11/05  309  DSS-24


DOY 291  10/18/2007  S-ACE-0237  G07-0089  DSS-27  Intermittent Data Loss
Intermittent loss of lock on downlink signal resulted in 10% data loss over
5 minutes between 1932z and 1937z.  DR#N104596
IMPACT:  This occurred while attempting to redump data that was not dumped
from previous support due to time constraints.  Since redumps of redumps are
not performed, data loss occurred.  281 seconds lost from data recorded
between 1125z and 1214z on 10/17/2007, DOY 290.  This corresponds to a daily
loss of 0.33%.

DOY 295  10/22/2007  S-ACE-0239  G07-0091  CMD lost by network
A cmd was lost by the network and did not reach DSN at 295-17:33:28.
Usually this is not a problem, but on this occasion the cmd was part of a
group.  The spacecraft saw the gap in commands and correctly rejected the
subsequent command.  All commands were successfully retransmitted.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  This scenario is properly handled by the COP-1.  Note
that after the transition to SLE, commands will be transmitted via TCP and
there should be no further network loss.

DOY 296  10/23/2007  S-ACE-0238  G07-0090    TPOCC/OS Bitbucket Error
The HPUX operating system occasionally returns a bitbucket error when the
TPOCC software executes a unix program.  The ROBOTT automation software is
designed to continue through the error.  Usually this is not a problem, but
on this occasion the procedure continued before the SSR redumps had been
IMPACT:  Minimal.  SSR redumps will be completed on the following support.