ACE Weekly 10/31/2007 - 11/06/2007

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Thursday, 11/15/2007.




Space Link Extension (SLE) Testing status (F-CLTU)
	Thu  11/01  305  DSS-66 with DSS-27 No problems discovered
	Thu  11/01  305  DSS-27             No problems discovered
	Mon  11/05  309  DSS-24             No problems discovered

The new 26m desktop were used for the DSS-66 pass on 11/01/2007.  The
following tests have been scheduled for upcoming weeks.  The transition to
SLE is targeted for December.
	Day  Date   DOY  Station
	Wed  11/07  311  DSS-46

34m HEF S-Band Transmitter Testing Status
An SLE command data flow test was conducted with DSS-45 on Tuesday
11/06/2007.  MOC firewall rules needed to be updated in order to achieve a
successful bind to the station.

The following tests have been scheduled for upcoming weeks.  These tests
will also include SLE for commanding
	Mon  11/12  316  DSS-45
	Thu  11/15  319  DSS-45

