ACE Weekly 11/28/2007 - 12/04/2007

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Friday, 12/07/2007.


DOY 332 (11/28/2007)  2010-2012z  SEP-110 Step 7
SEP-110 was an attempt to see a change in the Fan 2 gas pressure by changing
in instrument temperature.  On 01/03/2007, SEPICA was powered down and
restarted on 01/04/2007 with internal stimulation turned on.  Step 7 (the
last step in the OCR) turns off the instrument's internal stimulation.  The
Fan 2 gas pressure remains at 0 (SSSPC2P).

DOY 333 (11/29/2007)  1608-1611z  SIS-041
M1B HV strip # 16 was disabled.  This matrix detector strip has a saturated
leakage current that causes oscillations in SIS RTSW data.  The strip had
previously been disabled on 09/12/2005 (SIS-029) and re-enabled on
01/24/2006 (SIS-037).

DOY 334 (11/30/2007)  GND-191
ACE operations transitioned to F-CLTU SLE on Friday 11/30/2007.  There have
been a few problems (see below), but all passes were eventually successful.


F-CLTU SLE Operations - Week 1
Fri 11/30/2007 DSS-66  Station needed to reboot TCP AR#G07-0098 DR#M104543
Sat 12/01/2007 DSS-27  No problems
Sun 12/02/2007 DSS-27  Station accepted Bind at BOT, should be BOT-20min
Mon 12/03/2007 DSS-46  Station needed to reboot TCP AR#G07-0100 DR#C106018
Tue 12/04/2007 DSS-24  No problems

There have been no problems with the ACE MOC SLE software.  In fact, the ACE
MOC SLE did not require any intervention while the stations resolved their
The next 26m pass is Wednesday 12/05/2007.  We will see if that pass is
successful without a TCP reboot.

34m HEF S-Band Transmitter Testing Status

The Thursday 12/29/2007 DSS-65 network test was successful.

The Monday 12/03/2007 DSS-65 test was successful.  Telemetry was acquired
at all 3 bit rates.  The ACE MOC successfully binded and commanded to the
spacecraft.  The GSFC Metric Tracking Data Evaluation (MTDE) group
received good Range and Doppler data.  The uplink signal strength measured
by the spacecraft was
	Hi-Gain Antenna   =  -98 dBm
	BroadBeam Antenna = -112 dBm
This signal strength is more than adequate and is comparable to DSS-27
(another 34m antenna with 200W transmitter).

One more DSS-65 test has been scheduled as follows
	Date       DOY  Station   Test
	Wed 12/05  339  DSS-65    S-Band XMTR, SLE and range data


DOY 334  11/30/2007  S-ACE-0246  G07-0098  DSS-66 Unable to Send CMDs
The SLE F-CLTU bind was successful.  The station successfully sent the first
command but was not able to send subsequent commands.  TCP1 was receiving
CMDs but they were not radiated.  The station rebooted the TCP and
commanding was successful.
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 20 minutes.

DOY 333  11/29/2007  S-ACE-0247  G07-0099  Offline Inadvertently Terminated
The 'offline' postpass script creates reports and archives files after a
pass is complete.  The script was inadvertently terminated when the FOT
updated the script for the transition to SLE.
IMPACT:  The archive process was completed on the following day.

DOY 337  12/03/2007  S-ACE-0248  G07-0100  DSS-46 Unable to Send CMDs
The SLE F-CLTU bind was successful.  However, the station was not able to
send any commands.  The station rebooted the TCP and commanding was
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 15 minutes.