ACE Weekly 12/05/2007 - 12/11/2007

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        12/07/2007
	DOY         341 2007
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    14:18 min
	Start       16:50:55z
	Stop        17:05:13z
	HGAStart    -7.54deg
	HGAStop     +7.32deg
	SunStart    13.89deg
	SunStop      5.12deg
	Nutation     0.40deg
	Firing      73 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.2378lbs
	FuelRemain  153.1512lbs
	FinalSCMass 1387.411lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday, 12/18/2007.




F-CLTU SLE Operations - Week 2
The DSS-46 on Wednesday 12/05/2007 (last week) was the only pass to have
problems with SLE.  DSN has investigated the 26m problems and believes that
the problem results from enabling the Idle Pattern during the precal CMD
Modulation checkout.  There were 3 more 26m passes (Sat 12/8, Sun 12/9, Mon
12/10) and SLE was functioning properly by BOT.

34m HEF S-Band Transmitter
DSS-45 and DSS-65 have returned to service.  We are waiting to hear that the
S-Band transmitter is operational before we schedule passes with these


DOY 342  12/08/2007  S-ACE-0249  G07-0101  Network Data Loss
Network data loss was 0.8% for most of the pass with DSS-46 (1955-2245z).
IMPACT:  Playback on the next pass (DOY 343) delayed during redumps.  All
data available on CDR.

Background Information
During a pass, it is not possible to determine whether data gaps will be
available at DSN's CDR Facility.  Therefore, after a playback is done, all
data gaps are redumped as time permits.  If the pass has excessive data loss
and is staffed, the CDR files are checked to determine if they contain the
missing data.  If the pass is not staffed, redumps are continued on the next
support until certain constraints are met.
DSN has discussed of changing the network connection from UDP to TCP
(guaranteed delivery).  This would simplify ACE operations.  There is a
concern that TCP would add a delay to data delivery.  For ACE operations, it
is better to have guaranteed delivery even if the data delay is 5-10
seconds.  Note, other missions may have different priorities.

DOY 343  12/09/2007  S-ACE-0250  G07-0102  No Lock on Receiver B
When DSS-46 established the uplink at BOT, the spacecraft RCVR B did not
lock on the uplink.  This occurs 2-6 times a year.  Although there is no
problem with the spacecraft, these instances are tracked with anomaly
reports for trending purposes.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  C&DH B timers were reset on the next day (DOY 344).

DOY 334  12/10/2007  S-ACE-0251  G07-0103  ROBOTT/C&C Start 2 Procs
ROBOTT/C&C started 2 procedures without waiting for the other to complete;
G_END_DAY (22:20:02) and S_OPS_PLBK_COMPLETE (22:20:08).  The procedure
G_END_DAY was unable to complete its commanding sequence.  CDSID#21085 &
IMPACT:  These are recurring issues that the ROBOTT developers are aware of.
The spacecraft remained in BinDump format until the end of the pass.

DOY 334  12/10/2007  S-ACE-0252  G07-0104  Network Data Loss
Network data loss was 0.5% from 2130-2230z with DSS-46.  DR Pending
IMPACT:  All data available on CDR.