ACE Weekly 01/02/2008 - 01/08/2008

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        01/07/2008
	DOY         007 2008
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    14:52 min
	Start       16:17:19z
	Stop        16:32:11z
	HGAStart    -6.40deg
	HGAStop      7.35deg
	SunStart     9.47deg
	SunStop      8.91deg
	Nutation     0.26deg
	Firing      76 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.2464lbs
	FuelRemain  152.4504lbs
	FinalSCMass 1386.710lbs

The next attitude maneuver and Station-Keeping #46 are scheduled for
Thursday, 01/17/2008.




The risk of data loss has increased for the December-January time frame.  If
there are problems with the passes, it may not be possible to
acquire additional DSN time.  Refer to 12/25/2007 weekly for further

DSS-46 has had successful SLE passes since 12/31/2007.  Next month (Thursday
02/07/2008 and Friday 02/08/2008), ACE will again have DSS-66 passes.  ACE
has only had one DSS-66 SLE pass (11/30/2007).  We have asked DSN to forward
any lessons learned from DSS-46 to DSS-66.


DOY 007 (01/07/2008) S-ACE-0261 (G08-0001) - ROBOTT Stopped
ROBOTT cron stopped on DOY 006.  ROBOTT has a known issue (CDSID#22925) that
if a pass is near the DOY 006-007 day boundary, then ROBOTT stops taking
passes starting on DOY 007.  Unfortunately, this had not been incorporated
into the ACE scheduling guidelines; the DOY 006 pass was 2015-2345z.
Fortunately, the DOY 007 pass was a maneuver and the FOT discovered the
problem before the pass had started.
IMPACT:  Manual intervention necessary to restart ROBOTT cron.

DOY 007 (01/07/2008) S-ACE-0262 (G08-0002) - ROBOTT Incorrect Times
Week 01 2008 starts with Monday 12/31/2007 (as expected).  Starting with
Week 02, ROBOTT has been misreading the schedule and has configured Command
and Control for DOY 365 2008.  Note, this is the first year where Week 01
included dates from the previous year since ROBOTT was started in 2004.
IMPACT:  On DOY 007 and DOY 008, ROBOTT/C&C was not working and the passes
were taken manually.  The cause of the problem was discovered on DOY 008 and
a workaround has been implemented ... the local copy of the Week 01 schedule
was modified and the 12/31/2007 pass deleted.  Note, this problem will occur
again in Week 02 2009.

DOY 008 (01/08/2008) S-ACE-0263 (G08-0003) - ROBOTT C&C Failed
After the DOY 365/Week 01 problem was solved, the FOT updated ROBOTT/C&C
with the correct pass times.  For unknown reasons, C&C did not execute the
g_initial_contact procedure and crashed.
IMPACT:  The DOY 008 pass was taken manually.