ACE Weekly 01/23/2008 - 01/29/2008

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        01/28/2008
	DOY         028 2008
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    14:32 min
	Start       16:55:27z
	Stop        17:09:59z
	HGAStart    -6.88deg
	HGAStop     +7.49deg
	SunStart     5.28deg
	SunStop     14.78deg
	Nutation     0.22deg
	Firing      74 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.2376lbs
	FuelRemain  151.7764lbs
	FinalSCMass 1386.036lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Friday, 02/08/2008.




The northern hemisphere viewperiods are again increasing (Goldstone,
California & Madrid, Spain) and it is becoming easier to find additional DSN
time if needed.  Problems during this year's December07-January08 time frame
were quickly mitigated and only 1.9 hours were lost.  Next year
(12/08-01/09) Mars will be behind the Sun.  The L1 missions will be
competing with the Mars missions for the same limited antenna time.


DOY 025  01/25/2008  S-ACE-0269  G08-0009  FlightOps Disk Drive Failure
The MOC automation software (ROBOTT) was not functioning properly on String
1 and the pass was taken manually.  It was later discovered that the
FlightOps hard drive had a corrupted disk sector.  SysAdmins supplied
replacement disk drives.
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required.  String 1 remains unavailable for

DOY 026  01/26/2008  S-ACE-0270  G08-0010  ROBOTT/C&C Unable to Start
After the manual pass on Friday (01/25/2008), the backup string (string 2)
was configured for automated operations.  The Command & Control component of
ROBOTT was unable to connect to the TPOCC mission software.  The Saturday
(01/26/2008) pass was started manually on string 2.  ROBOTT was successfully
started on string 3 and operations were transferred to string 3.
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required.  String 2 remains unavailable for
automated operations.

DOY 026  01/26/2008  S-ACE-0271  G08-0011  Unable to CMD to SLE on String 3
String 3 must go through a network gateway to reach the SLE workstations.
If no commands are sent for 1 hour, then the port is closed and no further
commands reach the SLE workstation.  For Sat 01/26 through Tue 01/29, the
SLE connection was terminated and restarted in order to complete final
commanding.  The SysAdmins believe that a firewall rule may be the cause;
further testing will be performed.
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required.  String 3 unable to complete
end-of-pass commanding without manual intervention.

DOY 026  01/26/2008  S-ACE-0272  G08-0012  ROBOTT TSTOL Entry Shortened
ROBOTT/C&C provides an input window for manually entering TSTOL directives.
The input, however, is limited to 54 characters.  Therefore, the directive
to stop SLE,
	UNIX /home/ace/SLE/ACE/scripts/configureSLE NOWAIT ac1sle1
is shortened to
	UNIX /home/ace/SLE/ACE/scripts/configureSLE NOWAIT ac1
This generated errors and caused ROBOTT to continue through the
s_auto_redump procedure before commands were successfully verified.  This
problem will be added to the FOT list of known ROBOTT issues.
IMPACT:  The SSR redump procedure completed prematurely.  Fortunately, the
data gaps were due to the string failover and all data was available at the