ACE Weekly 03/05/2008 - 03/11/2008

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude       Attitude
	Date        03/06/2008     03/06/2008
	DOY         066 2008       066 2008
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-     2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    3:59 min       10:26 min
	Start       16:37:44z      18:00:56z
	Stop        16:41:43z      18:11:22z
	HGAStart    -6.65deg       -3.20deg
	HGAStop     -3.20deg       +7.80deg
	SunStart     4.34deg        5.99deg
	SunStop      5.99deg       16.39deg
	Nutation     0.31deg        0.16deg
	Firing      21 pulses      53 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.0752lbs      0.1749lbs
	FuelRemain  151.2384lbs    151.0636lbs
	FinalSCMass 1385.498lbs    1385.324lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Wednesday 03/26/2008.




In the transition to SLE, the ACE MOC stopped sending the precal test
command to the DSN station (11/30/2007).  The DSN stations have requested
that the precal test command be reinstated.  This will be done starting
Thursday 03/13/2008 (DOY 073 2008).


DOY 066  03/06/2008  S-ACE-0286  G08-0026  ROBOTT Restart
For unknown reasons, the ROBOTT automation software failed to start.  The
Real-Time Monitor successfully caught the problem and started the software
at BOT-1hour.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  No manual intervention required.

DOY 066  03/06/2008  S-ACE-0287  G08-0027  Duplicate Data Received
On several occasions, 50-100 duplicate frames have been received in the MOC.
For most of these days, the CDR file also has a large number of blocks with
null bytes at the end of the CDR file.
	DOY 063  DSS-27  21:38:37
	DOY 065  DSS-27  22:17:01 - 22:17:04
	DOY 066  DSS-24  17:01:45 - 17:01:47
	DOY 067  DSS-27  16:38:11 - 16:38:16
	DOY 068  DSS-66  15:55:06 - 15:55:09
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Aside from the blocks of null bytes, the data on the CDR
appears to be OK.

DOY 067  03/07/2008  S-ACE-0287  G08-0028  Pass Lost & Voice Loop Down
TDRS-9 declared a spacecraft emergency and the pass with DSS-66 was
rescheduled for DSS-27.  The FOT was unable to contact the DSN Ops Chief
over the Voice Loop due to a JPL Voice Switch Failure on DOY 066.  The FOT
contacted the Ops Chief via the commercial phone line.
IMPACT:  Minimal.

DOY 069  03/09/2008  S-ACE-0288  G08-0029  DSS-24 Unable to Lock on TLM
At Beginning Of Track (BOT), DSS-24 was unable to lock on telemetry after
applying the uplink.  A second Downlink Channel Controller (DCC) was also
unable to lock onto telemetry.  The station also tried to configure for
high-rate telemetry, however, the spacecraft remained at low-rate.  The
station resolved the issues by BOT+23 minutes.  DR#G108411
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 23 minutes.

DOY 069  03/09/2008  S-ACE-0288  G08-0029  DSS-46 SLE Configuration
DSS-46 was not transmitting commands received via SLE.  The station reloaded
the SLE Service Instance Configuration File and the commands were
successful.  DSS-46 recommended reinstating the precal test command to help
indicate possible problems during precal.  DR#C106241  
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 12 minutes.