ACE Weekly 04/30/2008 - 05/06/2008

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        05/05/2008
	DOY         126 2008
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    13:53 min
	Start       16:28:13z
	Stop        16:42:06z
	HGAStart    -6.71deg
	HGAStop     +8.05deg
	SunStart    15.41deg
	SunStop      4.38deg
	Nutation     0.49deg
	Firing      71 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.2282lbs
	FuelRemain  150.3524lbs
	FinalSCMass 1384.613lbs

The next attitude maneuver and Station-Keeping #48 are scheduled for Tuesday


DOY 126 (05/05/2008)  1454-1459z   SC_08_001  Blind Commanding
Problems with JPL's IONet router had prevented telemetry from reaching the
MOC from DOY 124 to DOY 126.  The SSRs would have stopped recording data on
DOY 127 0400z.  To prevent this, the playback was initiated with blind
commanding.  A temporary procedure (doy126_2008.prc) was created to start
the playback and re-enable the SSR failover.




DOY 121  04/30/2008  S-ACE-0309  G08-0048  Network Loss
From 2145-2308z, received 0.1% data loss due to the network.  The data loss
was resolved when DSS-34 was switched from DC5 to DC4.  DR#C106364
IMPACT:  All data available on CDR.

DOY 123  05/02/2008  S-ACE-0310  G08-0049  Duplicate Data on TAPS
During the transition from the Closed IONet fanout to the Restricted IONet
GMUG, the ACE MOC configured TAPS to listen to both the prime GMUG and the
backup GMUG.  Starting on DOY 077 2008, both GMUGs were flowing ACE
telemetry resulting in twice as much data stored on TAPS.  TAPS has been
re-configured to listen only the prime GMUG.
IMPACT:  TAPS unable to create certain plots until data storage issue was

DOY 124  05/03/2008  S-ACE-0311  G08-0050  Telemetry Not Received at GSFC
A network problem caused only three frames of telemetry data to reach the
ACE MOC from DSS-66.  JPL Comm and Goddard Comm Control were unable to
resolve the problem.  The MOC automation software (ROBOTT) is designed to
command only when telemetry is online in order to perform state-of-health
checks.  Low-rate data recorded at DSN CDR.  DR#M104817
IMPACT:  No commanding performed.  SSR playback not started.

DOY 124  05/03/2008  S-ACE-0312  G08-0051  Telemetry Not Received at GSFC
After the network problems (AR#G08-0050), an additional pass was scheduled
with DSS-34.  The same network problem caused only one frame of telemetry
data to reach the ACE MOC.  JPL Comm and Goddard Comm Control were unable to
resolve the problem.  The MOC automation software (ROBOTT) is designed to
command only when telemetry is online in order to perform state-of-health
checks.  Low-rate data recorded at DSN CDR.  DR#N104851
IMPACT:  No commanding performed.  SSR playback not started.  SSR failover
occurred at 0500z DOY 125.

DOY 125  05/04/2008  S-ACE-0313  G08-0052  Telemetry Not Received at GSFC
The same network problem caused only one frame of telemetry data to reach
the ACE MOC from DSS-27.  JPL Comm and Goddard Comm Control were unable to
resolve the problem.  The MOC automation software (ROBOTT) is designed to
command only when telemetry is online in order to perform state-of-health
checks.  Low-rate data recorded at DSN CDR.  DR#N104852
IMPACT:  No commanding performed.  SSR playback not started.

DOY 126  05/05/2008  S-ACE-0314  G08-0053  Telemetry Not Received at GSFC
The same network problem caused only one frame of telemetry data to reach
the ACE MOC from DSS-27.  After an hour, blind commanding was approved to
start the playback (OCR SC_08_001).  Blind commanding was performed at
1454z.  At 1458z, the network problem was resolved.  The problem was an
IONet router at JPL.  DR#N104855
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 1 hour 20 minutes.

DOY 126  05/05/2008  S-ACE-0315  G08-0054  ROBOTT/C&C Froze
At 2021z, The ACE MOC automation software (ROBOTT/C&C) froze for unknown
reasons.  The Real-Time Monitor restarted the software, including TPOCC, at
IMPACT:  Minimal.  No commanding was needed during the 30 minutes.

DOY 126  05/05/2008  S-ACE-0316  G08-0055  TPOCC did not reconnect to SLE
After the ROBOTT restart (AR#G08-0054), the FOT procedures did not reconnect
SLE.  The FOT procedures will be updated to handle this contingency.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  The commands to perform the final state-of-health checks
(g_end_day.prc) were not performed.