ACE Weekly 05/21/2008 - 05/27/2008

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Monday 06/02/2008.




Now that the Phoenix mission has landed on Mars, JPL is expected to continue
investigating the ISO router problems that resulted in several lost ACE
passes over the past month (DOY 124-126 and DOY 134).


DOY 146  05/25/2008  S-ACE-0323  S08-0003  SEPICA 30kV Discharge Flag
The SEPICA 30kV Discharge (SSS30KSTATH) and SSSALARMS flagged on DOY 146
2008 at 17:20:01z.  SSS30KV and SSS30KI remain nominal at values of 4.0392kV
and 41.5mA, respectively.  Within the past 7 years, this is the third 30kV
discharge flag.
	DOY 165 2001 16:03:04
	DOY 364 2004 06:08:32
	DOY 146 2008 17:20:01
Mark Popecki has been notified and OCR SEP-071 is available if the only
action needed is to clear the flag (i.e. transient current).
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Mark Popecki.