ACE Weekly 06/04/2008 - 06/10/2008

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Friday 06/13/2008.




There have been no updates on the JPL ISO router problem that resulted in
several lost ACE passes in May (DOY 124-126 and DOY 134).


DOY 156  06/04/2008  S-ACE-0327  G08-0064  AC2WS2 Workstation Problems
AC2WS2 has been having intermittent problems.  SysAdmins believe the problem
is with the hard drive.  Troubleshooting continues as resources are
IMPACT: Hardware failures have increased in 2008 but have been manageable.

DOY 157  06/05/2008  S-ACE-0328  G08-0065  DSS-27 Antenna Stopped
Antenna stopped tracking at 2118z.  Station performed a reset and telemetry
was re-established at 2129z.  Uplink was established at 2131z.  DR#G108650
IMPACT: Minimal.  11 minute telemetry outage.  SSR playback had already
completed.  Final commanding for spacecraft state-of-health checks was
delayed by 7 minutes.

DOY 158  06/06/2008  S-ACE-0329  G08-0066  DSN Schedule Not Downloaded
The workstation used for downloading the DSN schedule for automation was
rebooted for the bi-annual backup.  The process for downloading the schedule
did not restart after the reboot.
IMPACT: Manual intervention required to restart the schedule download
process and update pass times for automation.