ACE Weekly 06/11/2008 - 06/17/2008

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        06/13/2008
	DOY         165 2008
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    13:41 min
	Start       15:48:38z
	Stop        16:02:19z
	HGAStart    -5.92deg
	HGAStop     +7.39deg
	SunStart    12.91deg
	SunStop      5.50deg
	Nutation     0.11deg
	Firing      70 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.2255lbs
	FuelRemain  149.4668lbs
	FinalSCMass 1383.727lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Monday 06/23/2008.


DOY 169 (06/17/2008)  GND-193 ROBOTT 1.0.4 Install on strings 2 & 3
ROBOTT 1.0.4 was installed on Strings 2 & 3 for testing.  When testing is
complete, the new software will be used for operations.  This patch removes
the pass number check performed on the DSN schedule.  DSN no longer uses the
pass number and the field may be blank.


There have been no updates on the JPL ISO router problem that resulted in
several lost ACE passes in May (DOY 124-126 and DOY 134).


DOY 162  06/10/2008  S-ACE-0330  G08-0066  ROBOTT/C&C Terminated Procedure
The MOC automation software, ROBOTT, prematurely terminated the SSR redump
procedure (s_ops_plbk_complete.prc).  ROBOTT did not see that the previous
procedure had completed and terminated all procedures.  This is a known
issue (CDSID#21122) which last occurred on 03/24/2008 (AR#G08-0033).
IMPACT:  Minimal.  No redumps were required.

DOY 165  06/13/2008  S-ACE-0331  G08-0067  FORMATS Stopped Processing
The FORMATS software delivers files to various locations (e.g. Attitude and
Clock Reports to ASC & NOAA).  Usually the software is quite reliable, but
on Monday 06/09/2008 FORMATS stopped processing files.  The problem was
discovered on Friday 06/13/2008.  FORMATS was restarted and the files
successfully processed.
IMPACT:  Attitude and Clock Report delivery to ASC and NOAA delayed several

DOY 163  06/11/2008  S-ACE-0332  G08-0068  ACE SLE Software Stopped
The ACE SLE software is designed to retry connecting to the DSN station once
a minute if the connection is lost.  However, on DOY 163 after an
unexpectedly formed FCLTU-ASYNC-NOTIFY message was received from DSS-27, the
ACE SLE software did not attempt to reconnect once a minute.  Manual
intervention was required to restart the ACE SLE software.  Note, this is
the first problem encountered with the ACE SLE software.
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 30 minutes.  Without manual intervention, the
playback would not have been performed during this pass.

DOY 168  06/16/2008  S-ACE-0333  G08-0069  AC2WS2 Frozen
The AC2WS2 workstation froze.  The workstation recently had its hard drive
replaced.  SysAdmins reseated the workstations plugs and cards.  No further
problems encountered.  AC2WS2 is usually configured to monitor the
operational string.  The workstation had not yet been configured for this
task after the hard drive replacement.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  AC2WS2 had not yet been configured to monitor operations.