ACE Weekly 07/30/2008 - 08/05/2008

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Thursday 08/07/2008.






DOY 212  07/30/2008  S-ACE-0342  G08-0079  Network Problems-SLE FCLTU Bind
At 1648z, ACE MOC experienced a short 45 second network outage with DSS-66.
After the short outage, the ACE MOC was unable to bind to DSS-66.  Based on
a similar anomalies (G08-0005/DR#C106117  and  G08-0034/DR#M104724), the ACE
MOC requested that DSS-66 switch the TCP Command Production Status to "halt"
and then back to "operate" to re-initialize the command equipment.  This
resolved the problem and the ACE MOC was able to FCLTU bind to DSS-66.  At
1718z, there was another network outage.  The ACE MOC requested another
switch to "halt" and back to "operate".  However, the ACE MOC was not able
to FCLTU bind to the station.
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required to reconnect the SLE FCLTU bind after
the first network outage.  No successful FCLTU bind after the second network
outage.  No commanding performed during the last hour of the pass.  Final
state-of-health checks and redumps performed on the following support.

DOY 216  08/03/2008  S-ACE-0343  G08-0080  ROBOTT Results Checking Invalid
DSS-27 was tracking ACE before BOA (Beginning Of Activities).  When TPOCC
was started (BOA-15minutes, 1430z), FOT procedures that are used for MOC
recovery in the middle of the pass were executed.  The ACE MOC connected
FCLTU SLE to DSS-27.  The impact of this was minimal.  At the normally
scheduled time (1525z), ROBOTT re-executed the procedure to connect FCLTU
SLE.  The re-connect was successful, but ROBOTT flagged it as unsuccessful.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Incorrect ROBOTT messages did cause some confusion.