ACE Weekly 08/27/2008 - 09/02/2008

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Spin Down      Attitude       Attitude
	Date        09/02/2008     09/02/2008     09/02/2008
	DOY         246 2008       246 2008       246 2008
	Thrusters   3R- 4R-        2R 4R+ 4R-     2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    8.016 sec      7:02 min       5:36 min
	Start       15:57:52z      16:37:01z      17:44:36z
	Stop        15:58:00z      16:44:03z      17:50:12z
	HGAStart    -6.75deg       -6.80deg       +2.40deg
	HGAStop     -6.80deg       +2.40deg       +7.18deg
	SunStart     7.00deg        6.98deg       10.18deg
	SunStop      6.98deg       10.18deg       15.49deg
	Nutation     0.02deg        0.36deg        0.51deg
	Firing      Continuous     36 pulses      28 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.0288lbs      0.1243lbs      0.0989lbs
	FuelRemain  148.0464lbs    147.9220lbs    147.8232lbs
	FinalSCMass 1382.307lbs    1382.182lbs    1382.083lbs

	SpinStart    5.0951 rpm
	SpinStop     5.0023 rpm
	PeriodStart 11.7760 sec
	PeriodStop  11.9945 sec

The next attitude maneuver and Station-Keeping #48 are scheduled for Monday




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 239-245 2008

DOY 242 08/29/2008  DSN SPS/TTC Project Interface Test (PIT)
DSN requested a 1-hour ACE pass to test upgrades to their Service
Preparation Subsystem (SPS) V1.2 and Tracking, Telemetry & Command (TTC)
V8.1.  The test was successful.  However, the test was delayed 40 minutes
while DSN reconfigured their equipment.


DOY 242  06/10/2008  S-ACE-0348  G08-0085  ROBOTT/C&C Terminated Procedure
The MOC automation software, ROBOTT, prematurely terminated the SSR redump
procedure (s_ops_plbk_complete.prc).  ROBOTT did not see that the previous
procedure had completed and terminated all procedures.  This is a known
issue (CDSID#21122) which last occurred on 06/10/2008 (AR#G08-0066).
IMPACT:  Minimal.  No redumps were required.