ACE Weekly 12/17/2008 - 12/23/2008

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        12/19/2008
	DOY         354 2008
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    13:30 min
	Start       21:20:33z
	Stop        21:34:03z
	HGAStart    -4.90deg
	HGAStop      7.70deg
	SunStart     8.83deg
	SunStop      7.60deg
	Nutation     0.09deg
	Firing      68 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.2227lbs
	FuelRemain  145.7836lbs
	FinalSCMass 1380.044lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 12/30/2008.


DOY 357 (12/22/2008)   GND-196  Install Patchlink
GSFC IT Security is requiring Patchlink software to be installed on RIONet
computers.  Patchlink was installed on acetlanpc, ac1taps1 and ac2sle2 on
12/22/2008.  The remaining computers (ac2pc1, ac2taps2 and ac1sle1) will
have Patchlink installed on 12/30/2008 after 1 week of operational testing.
Only the ACE Windows and Linux computers are getting Patchlink; it will not
be installed on the HP-UX 10 computers.  Currently, the Patchlink daemon has
been left running and the computers are automatically connecting to
Patchlink server.  The option to turn off the Patchlink daemon and re-enable
it once a month is available if problems are found.  


Data Capture:  100%  DOY 356-363 2008

There is a higher than normal risk of data loss from October 2008 through
February 2009.  If there are problems with the passes, it may not be
possible to acquire additional DSN time.  This higher-risk period has been
occurring every winter for the past couple of years.  For more information
refer to 10/14/2008 weekly.


DOY 352  12/17/2008  S-ACE-0396  G08-0129  DSS-46 TCP Configuration
Both TCP channels were configured to send high-rate data to the ACE MOC (low
latency).  The FOT contacted the station to report duplicate data being sent
to the MOC.  DR#C106706.  DSN is reviewing the desktop/TCP configuration.  
IMPACT:  Minimal.  The problem was resolved before the playback had started.
Note that the ACE MOC software redumps duplicated playback data.  If the
problem was not resolved, the entire playback would have been redumped (2.5

DOY 353  12/18/2008  S-ACE-0397  G08-0130  DSS-46 CMD/SLE Problems
DSS-46 was unable to process SLE commands at Beginning Of Track (BOT).  The
station tried several troubleshooting efforts.  The problem was resolved
when the station unloaded and reloaded the desktop.  DR#C106710
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 20 minutes.

DOY 354  12/19/2008  S-ACE-0398  G08-0131  DSS-46 CMD/SLE Problems
DSS-46 was unable to process SLE commands at Beginning Of Track (BOT).  The
station tried several troubleshooting efforts.  The problem was resolved
when the station switched from TCP1 to TCP2 and then back to TCP1.
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 33 minutes.

DOY 350  12/15/2008  S-ACE-0399  G08-0132  TPOCC History File Problem
TPOCC did not write playback data to the A4 history file, but did write the
data to the AB history file.  This is a Known TPOCC Issue (#6 of 23
documented issues).  This last occurred 03/04/2004 (AR#G04-0019).
IMPACT:  Minimal.  This problem causes a little bit of confusion when it
occurs due to the conflicting data files and the fact that it hasn't
occurred for 4 years.

DOY 357  12/22/2008  S-ACE-0400  G08-0133  AC2SLE2 unable to connect to
The backup ACE MOC SLE software (ac2sle2) was used in preparation for the
Patchlink software install (OCR GND-196).  However, ac2sle2 was not able to
connect to DSS-27.  The problem was due to a DSS-27 IP address change made
on Friday 08/29/2008 for a DSN test (SPS TTC PIT).  The ACE MOC SLE software
(ac2sle2) configuration file was not restored after the DSN test was
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Operations was switched back to ac1sle1 and the Patchlink
install occurred on ac2sle2.  The ac2sle2 configuration file was restored
and used for operations with Patchlink on DOY 358.  ac1sle1 remains
available without Patchlink if problems occur with ac2sle2.

DOY 357  12/22/2008  S-ACE-0401  G08-0134  DSS-27 Antenna Pointing Problems
The DSS-27 antenna kept going off-point.  At 16:51:25, the antenna should
have been at AZ:135 EL:23, but was instead at AZ:58 EL:23.  This occurred
again at 18:06:24 and 18:15:16.  DSS-27 requested to not restore the uplink
for the remainder of the support (1820-1845z, 25 minutes).  No further
antenna pointing problems occurred.  DR#G109109
IMPACT:  Minimal.  All playback data was captured.  Final state-of-health
checks were not performed.