ACE Weekly 12/24/2008 - 12/30/2008

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        12/30/2008
	DOY         365 2008
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    16:30 min
	Start       16:23:33z
	Stop        16:40:03z
	HGAStart    -7.74deg
	HGAStop      7.28deg
	SunStart     7.93deg
	SunStop     11.49deg
	SpinStart   4.9939rpm
	SpinStop    4.9988rpm
	Nutation     0.11deg
	Firing      83 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.2672lbs
	FuelRemain  145.5164lbs
	FinalSCMass 1379.776lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Friday 01/09/2009.


DOY 357 (12/22/2008)   GND-196  Install Patchlink (continued)
Patchlink was installed on the remaining Windows and Linux computers.

GSFC IT Security is requiring Patchlink software to be installed on RIONet
computers.  Only the ACE Windows and Linux computers will have Patchlink; it
will not be installed on the HP-UX 10 computers.  McAfee VirusScan on
Windows needed to be upgraded to 8.5 to avoid Patchlink memory leak
problems.  Currently, the Patchlink daemon has been left running and the
computers are automatically connecting to Patchlink server.  The option to
turn off the Patchlink daemon and re-enable it once a month is available if
problems are found.  


No problems are expected for the 1/1/2009 leap second.  The leaps seconds
are only used on the ground when calibrating the spacecraft's timer to UTC.

seconds since launch (including leap seconds)
	= (slope * SpacecraftCounter) + offset

UTC = (slope * SpacecraftCounter) + offset + epoch - leap seconds

Data Capture:  100%  DOY 356-363 2008

There is a higher than normal risk of data loss from October 2008 through
February 2009.  If there are problems with the passes, it may not be
possible to acquire additional DSN time.  This higher-risk period has been
occurring every winter for the past couple of years.  For more information
refer to 10/14/2008 weekly.


Update on DSN 26m data delivery (AR# G08-0104 G08-0127 G08-0129)
DSN will create a new 26m desktop with both TCP channels set to Low Latency
(data sent to both the ACE MOC and the DSN CDR).  The two channels will be
set to different bit-rates so that duplicate data is not sent to the ACE

DOY 359  12/24/2008  S-ACE-0402  G08-0135  Patchlink Memory Leak
Patchlink has a known memory leak issue with McAfee VirusScan 8.0
VirusScan had not been updated when Patchlink was installed on acetlanpc.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Memory used by Patchlink grew to 300MB over the holiday
weekend.  The only other software running on acetlanpc was the DSN 0158
Monitor Data Display (SIMSS).

DOY 364  12/29/2008  S-ACE-0403  G08-0136  ACE SLE Software Running as Root
The ACE MOC SLE software is running as root on ac2sle2.  It should be
running under the acefot account; as is the case on ac1sle1.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  The only impact found has been that log files cannot be
closed and re-opened for a new pass.