ACE Weekly 12/31/2008 - 01/06/2009

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No attitude maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver
is scheduled for Friday 01/09/2009.


DOY 001 (01/01/2009)  SC_09_001  Commanding from MMOC/ITOS for Testing
Multi-Mission Operations Center (MMOC) and ITOS are being developed for
future ACE operations.  Tests have already been performed from the MMOC to
DSN's Test Facility (DTF-21).  A commanding test with the spacecraft using
DSS-27 is scheduled for Thursday 01/29/2009.


Data Capture:  100%  DOY 363-004 2009

There is a higher than normal risk of data loss from October 2008 through
February 2009.  If there are problems with the passes, it may not be
possible to acquire additional DSN time.  This higher-risk period has been
occurring every winter for the past couple of years.  For more information
refer to 10/14/2008 weekly.


DOY 001  01/01/2009  S-ACE-0404  G09-0001  DSS-46 MPA Reboot
The ground station had problems with the MPR/MPC interface which was
affecting ranging data.  The ground station requested rebooting the MPA
(Metric and Pointing Assembly).  The Ops Chief contacted the FOT (off-shift)
and approval was given.  After the reboot, telemetry was no longer reaching
the ACE MOC.  The FOT contacted the Ops Chief and the telemetry connection
was restored.  DR#C106746
IMPACT:  30 minutes of range data lost.  100 minutes of no telemetry to ACE
MOC or NOAA.  Telemetry was available from the DSN CDR.

DOY 005  01/05/2009  S-ACE-0405  G09-0002  ROBOTT Incorrect Times
The ACE MOC automation software (ROBOTT) has a known issue with the week 2
DSN schedule when the week 1 schedule has days from the previous year.
Instructions had been created when the problem was discovered in 2008
(AR#G08-0002).  However, the process did not correctly terminate the
download of the schedule and manual intervention was required on Monday DOY
005 to modify the schedule and restart the automation software.
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required to fix the schedule before the pass
started.  Note that ACE is expected to transition to a new operations
environment before the end of 2009.  The new operations environment will
likely have a different set of known issues.

DOY 366  12/31/2008  S-ACE-0406  G09-0003  TPOCC History File Problem
TPOCC did not write playback data to the A4 history file, but did write the
data to the AB history file.  This is the second occurrence in 3 weeks.  The
resolution was discovered with AR#G09-0004.
IMPACT:  Minimal.

DOY 006  01/06/2009  S-ACE-0407  G09-0004  AC1FE1A Out Of Memory
AC1FE1A was out of memory.  TPOCC was unable to execute some directives and
the procedures were paused before commanding.  The problem is due to
processes remotely controlling and monitoring the SLE workstations (ac1sle1
and ac2sle2) that had not properly terminated. 
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required to kill the programs and free the
memory.  Activities delayed 25 minutes while troubleshooting the problem.