ACE Weekly 05/20/2009 - 05/27/2009

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        05/26/2009
	DOY         146 2009
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    14:02 min
	Start       14:46:42z
	Stop        15:00:44z
	HGAStart    -7.15deg
	HGAStop     +7.45deg
	SunStart    14.34deg
	SunStop      5.06deg
	SpinStart   5.0154rpm
	SpinStop    5.0203rpm
	Nutation     0.20deg
	Firing      71 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.2307lbs
	FuelRemain  142.9752lbs
	FinalSCMass 1377.235lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Friday 06/05/2009.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 137-144 2009


DOY 141  05/21/2009  S-ACE-0442  G09-0037  DSS-54 Telemetry Processor
The ground station's Telemetry Processor (TLP) was unable to process
telemetry after establishing the uplink.  The TLP started working at
1417z.  DR#M105358
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 16 minutes.

DOY 146  05/26/2009  S-ACE-0441  G09-0036  DSS-27 Receiver Problems
The ground station was unable to lock onto telemetry after establishing
the uplink.  The station switched to a second receiver.  DR#G109466
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 10 minutes.

Background Information.  ACE playback is initiated via ground command
(as opposed to spacecraft load).  This gives ACE considerable
flexibility in moving automated passes.  However, this requires that the
DSN station operator configure their system for low-rate data (498bps),
deliver telemetry to the MOC, wait for the spacecraft to be commanded
and then reconfigure their system for high-rate data.