ACE Weekly 07/29/2009 - 08/04/2009

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        08/03/2009
	DOY         215 2009
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    14:39 min
	Start       15:39:46z
	Stop        15:54:25z
	HGAStart    -7.39deg
	HGAStop     +7.94deg
	SunStart     7.05deg
	SunStop     17.55deg
	SpinStart   5.0255rpm
	SpinStop    5.0297rpm
	Nutation     0.09deg
	Firing      74 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.2360lbs
	FuelRemain  141.4192lbs
	FinalSCMass 1375.679lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Monday 08/17/2009.




Data Capture:  99.99%  DOY 207-214 2009
31 second gap during SSR failover (DOY 212 2009 09:25:02-09:25:32)


DOY 211  07/30/2009  S-ACE-0453  G09-0048  Unable to Command--Network
The ACE MOC SLE software was unable to bind to DSS-65.  DSS-65, JPL Comm
and Goddard Comm Control were unable to resolve the problem.  No
commanding (including SSR playback) was performed.  DSS-65 was scheduled
for further testing later in the day.  After 9 hours of troubleshooting
over a 15 hour period, a JPL router problem was discovered.  A temporary
fix has been implemented until the full problem can be understood.
IMPACT:  SSR failover occurred (09:25:02z) before the next pass on DOY
212 (BOT=14:25z).  A short 31 second gap occurred during the SSR

DOY 212  07/31/2009  S-ACE-0454  S09-0003  Increase in SBE_CT_B
SSR B Single Bit Error Count (SBE_CT_B) increased from 4533 to 4697
since last checked on DOY 210 (07/29/2009).  SBE_CT is tracked as a
measure of SSR health.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Single Bit Errors are automatically corrected by the
SSR and occur infrequently.  No non-correctable errors (Hard Single Bit
Errors & Double Bit Errors) have occurred throughout the mission.

DOY 214  08/02/2009  S-ACE-0455  S09-0004  Increase in SBE_CT_B
SSR B Single Bit Error Count (SBE_CT_B) increased from 4697 to 5067
since last checked on DOY 212 (07/31/2009).  SBE_CT is tracked as a
measure of SSR health.  The SSR also saved the address in the Soft SBE
Queue; only the second time the SSR has done this.  The address
corresponds to slice 253 (out of 0-1023).
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Single Bit Errors are automatically corrected by the
SSR and occur infrequently.  No non-correctable errors (Hard Single Bit
Errors & Double Bit Errors) have occurred throughout the mission.

SBE_CT_A              SBE_CT_B
12/01/1999   15       09/06/2003   286
02/25/2003   30       09/22/2004   608
06/05/2003   270      11/15/2004   858
07/26/2007   510      11/07/2006   2118
03/18/2009   525      01/12/2007   3125
                      06/21/2007   3238
                      04/26/2008   3999
                      05/10/2008   4533  (slice 253)
                      07/31/2009   4697
                      08/02/2009   5067  (slice 253)

The SBE count had been approximately doubling each year.  But in the
past 2-3 years, the rate has slowed to approximately a 20% increase each