ACE Weekly 09/02/2009 - 09/08/2009

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        09/04/2009
	DOY         247 2009
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    14:47 min
	Start       15:01:26z
	Stop        15:16:13z
	HGAStart    -6.98deg
	HGAStop      7.51deg
	SunStart     5.68deg
	SunStop     11.71deg
	SpinStart   5.0312rpm
	SpinStop    5.0352rpm
	Nutation     0.20deg
	Firing      75 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.2387lbs
	FuelRemain  140.9796lbs
	FinalSCMass 1375.240lbs

The next attitude maneuver and Station-Keeping #52 are scheduled for
Thursday 09/24/2009




Data Capture:  99.99%  DOY 242-249 2009
31 second gap during SSR failover (DOY 244 2009 14:08:16-14:08:47)

The LCROSS mission is no longer declaring spacecraft emergency, but has
increased their DSN usage.  DSS-24 and DSS-54 continue to be
unavailable.  For most of the passes in the upcoming week, SSR playback
will not be finished until the following pass.  If there are no problems
with the passes, all data will be captured.

A DSS-54 Return To Service test will be performed on Wednesday

A Multi-Mission Operations Center (MMOC) test will be performed on
Thursday 09/10/2009 (DOY 254 0020-0100z).  The spacecraft will be
commanded to hi-rate and data from the previous pass will be redumped.
All data will have been captured by the legacy system.


DOY 245  09/02/2009  S-ACE-0458  G09-0051  TPOCC Procedure Problems
The SSR redump procedure (s_ops_plbk_complete) did not start and the
final state of health check procedure did not complete (g_end_day).  For
g_end_day, the BinDump command was sent and the spacecraft switched to
BinDump format.  TPOCC, however, remained at the line in WAIT UNTIL
(P@DNLK_FORMAT_ID = "BIN_DUMP").  For s_ops_plbk_complete, the
automation software checks TPOCC for the SSR status.  When the SSR
playback completed, the automation software did not see the change in
SSR status in TPOCC.
Impact:  The pass completed without further commanding.  No redumps were
needed and the spacecraft downlink format returned to RTSW at the end of
the pass.  Typically, TPOCC has problems when a hardware failure is
imminent or when a process is using excessive cpu/memory.  There have
been no problems with subsequent passes.

DOY 248  09/05/2009  S-ACE-0459  S09-0005  Increase in SBE_CT_B
SSR B Single Bit Error Count (SBE_CT_B) increased from 5067 to 5646
since last checked on DOY 238 (08/26/2009).  SBE_CT is tracked as a
measure of SSR health.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Single Bit Errors are automatically corrected by the
SSR and occur infrequently.  No non-correctable errors (Hard Single Bit
Errors & Double Bit Errors) have occurred throughout the mission.

SBE_CT_A              SBE_CT_B
12/01/1999   15       09/06/2003   286
02/25/2003   30       09/22/2004   608
06/05/2003   270      11/15/2004   858
07/26/2007   510      11/07/2006   2118
03/18/2009   525      01/12/2007   3125
                      06/21/2007   3238
                      04/26/2008   3999
                      05/10/2008   4533  (slice 253)
                      07/31/2009   4697
                      08/02/2009   5067  (slice 253)
                      09/05/2009   5646