ACE Weekly 09/09/2009 - 09/15/2009

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver and
Station-Keeping #52 are scheduled for Thursday 09/24/2009.


DOY 257 (09/14/2009)   GND-196  Install Patchlink (update)
GSFC IT Security uses the Patchlink to monitor software on the
operational systems for necessary patches.  The software was installed
on the Windows (2) and Linux (4) computers in the ACE MOC in December
2008.  There is no version of Patchlink for the HP-UX 10.20 used for the
TPOCC workstations.  Patchlink had been running on the 6 computers and
reporting every ~4 hours.  At the request of SSMO, Patchlink has been
reconfigured to report once per week.


DOY 252 09/09/2009 - DSS-54 Return To Service Demo
DSS-54 is returning to service after Ka-Band Phase 2 upgrade
(06/29/2009-10/05/2009).  No problems were uncovered during the Demo.
ACE had performed RTS Demos with DSS-34 (09/24/2008) and DSS-24
(01/26/2009) when they had undergone a Ka-Band Phase 2 upgrade.

DOY 253 09/10/2009 - Multi-Mission Operations Center (MMOC) Test
No commanding was performed during this test.  A request to open the
MMOC firewall to DSS-27 had not been submitted to the System
Administrators.  The MMOC SLE FCLTU Bind never reached the station.  The
spacecraft remained in low-rate RTSW format for the entire test.  The
MMOC SLE RCF (VC1 and VC2) did successfully bind to the JPL SLE TLM
server.  Telemetry was forwarded to the ACE Science Center and NOAA
Space Weather.  The forwarded data was reformatted to match the legacy
format that ASC and NOAA currently receive.  NOAA Space Weather looked
at the data and did not find any problems with it.  

Another ACE MMOC is scheduled for Wednesday 09/16/2009 (DOY 259
1910-2000z).  The MMOC firewall has been updated to allow commanding.

Data Capture:  100%  DOY 249-256 2009

DSN availability continues to be limited with the increased LCROSS usage
and the DSS-24/DSS-54 downtime.  For most of the upcoming week, ACE SSR
playback will not be finished until the following pass.  Three passes
have been switched to No-Ranging which reduces the DSN setup time by 15
minutes and allows more time for SSR playback.  ACE does not have a pass
scheduled for Thursday 09/17/2009 (DOY 260).  If there are no problems
with the passes, all data will be captured.

