ACE Weekly 09/30/2009 - 10/06/2009

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers have been completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver
is scheduled for Friday 10/16/2009.

Three passes were made no-ranging following AR#G09-0053 to allow for 45
extra minutes of SSR playback.  As of DOY 279, there have been 13
ranging passes (4 Madrid, 4 Canberra, 5 Goldstone) in the 13 days since


DOY 265 (09/22/2009)   GND-199  Update Symantec AntiVirus
Symantec AntiVirus was removed from the SLE linux workstations on
10/01/2009.  The AC1SLE1 workstation was restored from backup after


DOY 279 10/06/2009 - Multi-Mission Operations Center (MMOC) Test
There were no problems receiving telemetry or sending commands with
DSS-45.  The spacecraft was commanded to high-rate and SSR data from the
previous pass was redumped.  The SSR TwosComplementChecksum was
correctly populated by ITOS.  ACE reformatted data was forwarded for
NOAA space weather for the entire pass.

Data Capture:  99.99%  DOY 270-277 2009
31 second gap during SSR failover (DOY 275 2009 06:31:19-06:31:49)

After AR#G09-0053 (Thursday 10/1/2009), the SSR playback will not be
caught up until Saturday 10/10/2009.  Three passes have been converted
to no-ranging to allow 45 extra minutes of SSR playback.

DSN availability will improve in the coming week.  DSS-24 painting is
scheduled to be completed 10/6/2009.  DSS-54 ACQ AID INSTALL is
scheduled to be completed 10/4/2009.  LCROSS lunar impact is scheduled
for 10/9/2009.


DOY 274  10/01/2009  S-ACE-0462  G09-0053  ACE SLE/Symantec AntiVirus
Symantec AntiVirus was installed on the SLE computers on 09/30/2009.
The SLE did not start for the pass on 10/01/2009.  SysAdmins and SLE
developer analyzed the problem.  AntiVirus uninstall did not resolve the
problem.  The SLE developer was able to start SLE manually.  After the
pass, the AC1SLE1 workstation was restored from backup and SLE now
starts without problems.
Impact:  SLE was started manually with 85 minutes left in the pass.
However, AR#G09-0054, caused the pass to be lost.

DOY 274  10/01/2009  S-ACE-0463  G09-0054  TPOCC Telecommand Failure
In the first 30 minutes of the pass, TPOCC Telecommand socket had
disconnected.  The reason is unknown.  It may be unrelated to the
SLE/AntiVirus problems since it occurred on a separate workstation and
before any SLE troubleshooting had begun.
Impact:  At the time of the TPOCC failure, resources were focusing on
the SLE problems.  After the SLE problems were resolved, there was
insufficient time to restart TPOCC and start the playback.  The pass was
lost; SSR failover occurred on DOY 275.  SSR playback will be behind
schedule for 10 days.

DOY 277  10/04/2009  S-ACE-0464  S09-0007  ROBOTT Timing/SSR Stuck Plbk
The MOC automation software (ROBOTT/C&C) is designed to Idle the SSR 15
minutes before End Of Track and perform redumps with the time remaining.
However, the automation software failed to execute this procedure.  The
SSR was still in playback when the spacecraft transitioned to low-rate.
When this occurs, the SSR remains stuck in playback mode.
Impact:  The ground procedures are designed to handle this contingency
by idling the SSR at the beginning of the next support and redumping any
missing data.  This has occurred 3 other times in the past (01/12/2005
AR#S05-0002; 12/01/2005 AR#G05-0148; 11/04/2008 AR#G08-0109).

DOY 278  10/05/2009  S-ACE-0465  G09-0055  ROBOTT Froze/Proc Re-Executed
The MOC automation software (ROBOTT/C&C) froze during initial
commanding.  ROBOTT/C&C was restarted and re-executed the initial
commanding sequence.
Impact:  The ground procedures are designed to handle this contingency.
The SSR playback in progress was not stopped.