ACE Weekly 11/25/2009 - 12/01/2009

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        11/30/2009
	DOY         334 2009
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    15:22 min
	Start       16:17:15z
	Stop        16:32:37z
	HGAStart    -7.55deg
	HGAStop      7.71deg
	SunStart    12.52deg
	SunStop      5.95deg
	SpinStart   5.0348rpm
	SpinStop    5.0391rpm
	Nutation     0.14deg
	Firing      78 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.2455lbs
	FuelRemain  139.4208lbs
	FinalSCMass 1373.681lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Friday 12/11/2009.




Data Capture:  99.99%  DOY 326-333 2009
31 second gap due to pass lost on DOY 329 (2009-330 10:17:38-10:18:08)


DOY 328  11/24/2009  S-ACE-0470  S09-0009  Downlink in LRADC not RTSW
On DOY 328, the normal tracking pass scheduled with DSS-24 was taken
from the MMOC (Multi-Mission Operations Center).  The commanding was
performed with new converted procedures.  An error in the
C_ADC_TO_RTSW_TTBIN procedure caused the spacecraft to switch to Low
Rate ADC (Attitude Determination and Control) instead of RTSW (Real Time
Solar Wind) at the end of the pass (1840z).
IMPACT:  NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center was unable to process the
LRADC for 24 hours (DOY 328 1840z - DOY 329 1854z).  The ACE MOC
automation software continually crashed at the next scheduled DSN
support on DOY 329 0845z (see AR#G09-0059).  A manual pass was scheduled
for DOY 329 1845z and NOAA could process data at 1854z.  There was no
impact to recorded science data.

DOY 329  11/25/2009  S-ACE-0471  G09-0059  ROBOTT Crash with LRADC
The ROBOTT/C&C software continually crashed during the pass on DOY 329.
TPOCC was correctly processing the LRADC telemetry, but some error in
ROBOTT/C&C was preventing it from starting the pass.  ROBOTT/C&C sent
out notifications "CC Ops Paused, Forward Link Down" before each crash.
The FOT was unaware that the spacecraft was in LRADC and wrote-off the
pass as a loss (the pass was off shift, 3:45am EST).
IMPACT:  If ROBOTT had started pass activities, NOAA would have been
able to start processing the data after a 14 hour gap instead of the 24
hour gap that occurred.  A 31 second data gap occurred due to the SSR
failover on DOY 330 at 10:17:38z.

DOY 335  12/01/2009  S-ACE-0472  G09-0060  DSS-24 Transmitter Red
The ground station was unable establish an uplink for commanding.  The
station replaced a Cisco Catalyst 3500 switch and the uplink was
available at 1915z.  However, with only 30 minutes to End Of Track
(1945z), there was insufficient time to start activities.
IMAPCT:  There will be a 31 second data gap due to SSR failover DOY 336
~1025z.  The SSR playback will be caught up over the next 3 days.

Note:  There are many situations where starting ACE playback activities
with ground commands is very beneficial.  AR#G09-0060 is one of the rare
cases where preloaded commands would have allowed for data capture
during the pass.  All data (minus 31 seconds) will nevertheless be