ACE Weekly 12/23/2009 - 12/29/2009

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Wednesday 12/30/2009.


DOY 357 (12/23/2009)  SEP-071 30kV Discharge Flag Cleared
The SBS30KVRESET command to clear the 30kV discharge flag was sent
14:42:29z.  The flag was set on DOY 353 2009 at 07:22:33z.  SSS30KV and
SSS30KI, however, had remained at the same values after the discharge
flag (4.04V and 34.3mA).


Data Capture:  100%  DOY 354-361 2009

Manual intervention will be required to handle certain Known ROBOTT
Issues related to the new year.
* Issue #55 -- update schedule download tool since 2009 has 53 weeks
* Issue #63 -- ensure cron updated before the pass on DOY 007
* Issue #64 -- after January 1, remove 2009 passes from Week 1 schedule


DOY 362  12/28/2009  S-ACE-0476  G09-0062  AC1WS2 Workstation Failure
AC1WS2 workstation failed before the pass.  The pass was during staffed
hours and automation was reconfigured to not use WS2 (WS3 and FE1A are
required for a pass, WS1 and WS2 are only used for specific activities).
The system administrators replaced the workstation with a spare after
the pass.
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required.