ACE Weekly 02/17/2010 - 02/23/2010

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude       SK-53
	Date        02/18/2010     02/18/2010
	DOY         049 2010       049 2010
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-     1A 2A
	Duration    8:19 min       31.711 sec
	Start       21:54:07z      23:43:25z
	Stop        22:02:26z      23:43:57z
	HGAStart    -3.24deg       +8.04deg
	HGAStop     +8.04deg       +7.94deg
	SunStart     5.56deg       13.10deg
	SunStop     13.10deg       13.18deg
	SpinStart   5.0582rpm      5.0600rpm
	SpinStop    5.0600rpm      5.0492rpm
	Nutation     0.17deg        0.30deg
	Firing      42 pulses      Continuous
	FuelUsed      0.1391lbs     0.1140lbs
	FuelRemain  137.8428lbs   137.7288lbs
	FinalSCMass 1372.103lbs   1371.989lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Thursday 03/11/2010.


DOY 049 (02/18/2010)   GND-200  Maneuver Command Sheet Conversion
MOPSS and FORMATS had been used for converting the maneuver command
sheets from GMAN (General Maneuver) to ACE thruster setup command.
MOPSS and FORMATS will not be used in the MMOC.  A new tool
"ace_convert_mnvr_cmd_sheet" has been developed to replace MOPSS and
FORMATS.  The new tool was used for the attitude and station-keeping
maneuvers on 02/18/2010.

DOY 054 (02/23/2010)  MMOC-0072  ACE MMOC Operational Testing
ACE started taking passes from the Multi-Mission Operations Center
(MMOC) on Tuesday 02/23/2009.  Real-time operations are automated, but
passes are staffed in case of unexpected problems.  All data was
captured during the first pass.  A few minor post-pass processing
problems were discovered and will be corrected.  There have been no
problems that would require switching back to the old ACE MOC.  The
Operations Readiness Review (ORR) is scheduled for 03/31/2010.


Data Capture:  100%  DOY 045-052 2010


DOY 049  02/18/2010  S-ACE-0484  G10-0007  TPOCC database/THRUSTER_SETUP
A delay is needed in the thruster_setup command for enabling/disabling
thruster relays.  The flight software minimum follows the equation
	[(# thrusters selected + deselected)*20 + 30]/16  (rounded up)
For no thrusters selected (e.g. no top deck or no bottom deck), the
equation gives 2 counts.  The FORMATS/MOPSS ground software had been
unnecessarily padding the delay (7 and 15 counts).  The new conversion
tool used a delay of 3 counts.  It was discovered that the TPOCC
database had an incorrect minimum of a 4 count delay for no thrusters
IMPACT: The thruster_setup command was modified to meet the TPOCC
minimum delay.  The ITOS database will be corrected to match the flight
software requirement.

DOY 049  02/18/2010  S-ACE-0485  G10-0008  ROBOTT Terminated Procedure
The MOC automation software, ROBOTT, prematurely terminated the SSR
redump procedure (s_ops_plbk_complete.prc).  ROBOTT did not see that the
previous procedure had completed and terminated all procedures.  This is
a known issue (CDSID#21122) which last occurred on 12/13/2009
IMPACT:  Minimal.  No redumps were required.

NOTE: ROBOTT will not be used in the MMOC.  Automated passes are handled
within the ITOS procedures.  ITOS is the new mission software
(telemetry/command processing) replacing TPOCC.