ACE Weekly 03/17/2010 - 03/23/2010

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Wednesday 03/31/2010.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 066-073 2010

The fourth week of ACE operational testing in the Multi-Mission
Operations Center (MMOC) has been completed.  An Operations Readiness
Review is scheduled for 03/30/2010.  Both ACE and WIND passes continue
to executed from a single computer.


NOTE, WIND anomaly reports will be included when problems with MMOC
software/equipment would have impacted ACE operations.

DOY 076  03/17/2010  S-WIND-0392          ITOS tm_controller
Before Beginning Of Track, ITOS had problems connecting telemetry,
"timeout reading from tm_controller".  ITOS was stopped and restarted
and the WIND pass was taken successfully.  This appears to be the same
problem that occurred on 03/06/2010 (DOY 065 S-ACE-0491 G10-0014).  DR
CDSID#00027515 has been submitted for ITOS developers.
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required.

DOY 077  03/18/2010  S-ACE-0493  G10-0016 Problems with JPL ERNS
Problems with the JPL Enhanced Reliable Network Server (ERNS) caused
brief network outages (1843z and 1847-1850z).
IMPACT:  Minimal.