ACE Weekly 03/24/2010 - 03/30/2010

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Wednesday 03/31/2010.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 080-087 2010

The Operational Readiness Review for ACE and WIND in the Multi-Mission
Operations Center (MMOC) was held on Tuesday 03/30/2010.  ACE and WIND
operations have officially transitioned to the MMOC.  Testing and Tier 2
conversion continues.


DOY 087  03/28/2010  S-ACE-0494  G10-0017 DSS-54 Complex Supervisor
The DSN Madrid site experienced problems with their "Complex Supervisor"
software at 1333z.  The antenna was able to continue to receive
telemetry, but commanding was unavailable at 1344z.  Beginning Of Track
(BOT) had been at 1315z with initial commanding completed at 1324z and
science format at 1341z.  The only necessary commanding occurs within
the first 10 minutes and was successfully completed.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Data redumps and health checkout commands were
performed on the following pass.

DOY 087  03/28/2010  S-ACE-0495  G10-0018 MUS CMD process terminated
During the DSS-54 command problems (AR#G10-0017), the MMOC Multi-User
SLE (MUS) software was attempting to bind to the station once per
minute.  At 1540z, the MMOC procedures started the data redump procedure
(s_ops_plbk_complete), the MUS software continued to attempt to bind
(cmd) to the station and ITOS continued to send redump commands.  At
1610z, the MUS CMD process terminated unexpectedly (diagnostic=199).
IMPACT:  MUS CMD was not running for the remainder of the support (50
minutes).  The DSS-54 command problems were not resolved, so no
commanding would have been available anyway.  ITOS attempted to
reconnect to the non-existent MUS CMD process every 15 seconds until
manually terminated.