ACE Weekly 05/05/2010 - 05/11/2010

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Wednesday 05/12/2010.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 122-129 2010


DOY 128  05/08/2010  S-ACE-0501  G10-0024  ITOS tm_controller
Before Beginning Of Track, ITOS had problems connecting telemetry,
"timeout reading from tm_controller".  At 15 minutes after Beginning of
Track, ITOS was stopped and restarted and the ACE pass was taken
successfully.  This problem occurs approximately once every 2 weeks.  DR
CDSID#00027515 has been submitted and the ITOS developers expect this to
be fixed in ITOS 805.  MOCR-156 has added "timeout reading from
tm_controller" to the notification messages sent to the team.
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required.  Activities delayed 20 minutes.

DOY 131  05/11/2010  S-ACE-0502  G10-0025  MMOC SLE CMD Unable to Bind
1 hour and 25 minutes after Beginning of Track, the MMOC MUS aborted the
SLE CMD connection to DSS-24, "Heartbeat receive timeout".  MUS
attempted to rebind but was unsuccessful.  When this occurs, the problem
is usually fixed by asking the station to switch the CLTU production
state to "halt" and back to "operate" (e.g. 10/23/2008 AR#G08-0102
DR#C106578).  This pass was unattended.
IMPACT:  Telemetry was not affected.  No commanding for the remainder of
the support.  End of pass state-of-health checks not performed.  SSR
stuck in playback (see AR#S10-0002).  Manual cleanup of pass performed
on following day before the next pass started.

DOY 131  05/11/2010  S-ACE-0503  S10-0002  SSR A Stuck in Playback
When the SSR playback is longer than the pass, the SSR is commanded to
idle before switching to the low-rate (RTSW) data format.  Problems with
the SLE CMD connection (AR#G10-0025) prevented SSR A from being
commanded to Idle.  When this occurs, the SSR is stuck in Playback.
Impact:  The ground procedures are designed to handle this contingency
by idling the SSR at the beginning of the next support and redumping any
missing data.  This has occurred 4 other times in the past.
	01/12/2005 AR#S05-0002 
	12/01/2005 AR#G05-0148
	11/04/2008 AR#G08-0109
	10/04/2009 AR#S09-0007