ACE Weekly 09/08/2010 - 09/14/2010

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Tuesday 09/28/2010.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 248-255 2010

Another Tracking, Telemetry & Command (TTC) Project Interface Test (PIT)
is scheduled for Monday 09/13/2010.  The TTC PIT will use a 2nd antenna
(DSS-27) and shadow the normal pass (DSS-45).  This will test recent
changes to DSN's TTC software to resolve the problems found during the
last ACE TTC PIT.  Since the TTC PIT is at a 2nd DSN station, data
forwarding and data capture will not be impacted.  Thanks to the SOHO
mission for freeing time on DSS-45 and DSS-27 for this PIT.

DOY 253  09/10/2010  S-ACE-0529  G10-0046  DSS-24 Lost TLM Lock
For unknown reasons, DSS-24 lost telemetry lock at 19:20:36 (1hr 30min
after BOT).  Station reacquired symbol lock at 19:25 with same SNR as
before (19.1dB).  DR#G110516
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Five minutes of data redumped at the end of the pass.