ACE Weekly 12/07/2010 - 12/13/2010

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude       SK-56          
	Date        12/13/2010     12/13/2010
	DOY         347 2010       347 2010
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-     3A 4A
	Duration    14:41 min      59.952 sec
	Start       16:25:38z      18:25:40z
	Stop        16:40:19z      18:26:41z
	HGAStart    -6.35deg        7.52deg
	HGAStop      7.52deg        7.43deg
	SunStart     5.35deg       14.43deg
	SunStop     14.43deg       14.36deg
	SpinStart   5.0778rpm      5.0811rpm
	SpinStop    5.0811rpm      5.0658rpm
	Nutation     0.15deg        0.02deg
	Firing      75 pulses      Continuous
	FuelUsed      0.2351lbs      0.2091lbs
	FuelRemain  132.0216lbs    131.8124lbs
	FinalSCMass 1366.282lbs    1366.0724lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Thursday 12/23/2010.




Data Capture:  98.56%  DOY 339-346 2010
There were minor gaps during redumps on DOY 346 resulting in 87 minutes
of data loss.

All ACE passes starting on Friday 12/10/2010 (DOY 344) are using DSN's
new DCD (Data Capture and Delivery) system.

There is a higher than normal risk of data loss from October 2010
through February 2011.  If there are problems with the passes, it may
not be possible to acquire additional DSN time.


DOY 343  12/09/2010  S-ACE-0564  G10-0079  MUS CMD process terminated
The MMOC SLE (MUS) cmd process (ace-d27-cmd) terminated unexpectedly 2
minutes after beginning of track.  The MUS CMD process was restarted
within 6 minutes.  This last occurred on 10/08/2010 (AR#G10-0057)
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required.  Activities delayed 6 minutes.

DOY 345  12/11/2010  S-ACE-0565  G10-0080  SLE TLM disconnect
Although MUS reported active binds, telemetry was not reaching the MOC.
The FOT manually disconnected and re-established an active realtime
telemetry bind.  MMOC began receiving telemetry.  This last occurred on
11/05/2010 (G10-0070).
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required.  Activities delayed 95 minutes.

DOY 347  12/13/2010  S-ACE-0566  G10-0081  MUS CMD process terminated
The MMOC SLE (MUS) cmd process (ace-d27-cmd) terminated unexpectedly 2
minutes after beginning of track.  The MUS CMD process was restarted
within 6 minutes.  This last occurred on 12/09/2010 (AR#G10-0079)
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required.  Activities delayed 15 minutes.