ACE Weekly 03/22/2011 - 03/28/2011

SEPICA entered Standby mode on Tuesday 03/22/2011 (see AR#S11-0001).
SEPICA power cycling has been scheduled for Friday 04/01/2011.  All
other ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Monday 04/04/2011.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 079-086 2011


DOY 081  03/22/2011  S-ACE-0595  G11-0023  MUS CMD process terminated
The MMOC SLE (MUS) cmd process (ace-d27-cmd) terminated unexpectedly 2
minutes after beginning of track.  The MUS CMD process was restarted
within 4 minutes.  This last occurred on 12/09/2010 (AR#G10-0079)
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required.  Activities delayed 4 minutes.

DOY 081  03/22/2011  S-ACE-0596  S11-0001  SEPICA Standby Mode
The SEPICA instrument switched to Standby Mode between 11:45:32 and
11:45:44z on DOY 081.  The last time SEPICA unexpectedly switched to
Standby was DOY 316 2008 (11/11/2008).
IMPACT:  SEPICA will be power cycled on 04/01/2011.

DOY 086  03/27/2011  S-ACE-0592  G10-0020 ITOS tm_controller
ITOS was unable to process telemetry due to a "timeout reading from
tm_controller".  ITOS was restarted before beginning of track.  (DR
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required.  Activities delayed 12 minutes.