ACE Weekly 10/04/2011 - 10/10/2011

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        10/07/2011
	DOY         280 2011
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    15:14 min
	Start       16:15:15z
	Stop        16:30:29z
	HGAStart    -7.46deg
	HGAStop     +7.70deg
	SunStart    17.92deg
	SunStop      5.59deg
	SpinStart   5.0183rpm
	SpinStop    5.0224rpm
	Nutation     0.19deg
	Firing      77 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.2433lbs
	FuelRemain  126.5388lbs
	FinalSCMass 1360.799lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Friday 10/21/2011.


DOY 283 (10/10/2011)  1617-1631z  SWICS MOCR 338
Energy Pulser turned off and MCPPS voltages turned up to its operational
value (2.6kV).  

The SWICS instrument continues to be in an ESA-energy trigger mode.
This bypasses the TOF system and the hybrid timing discriminator
electronics that is believed to be the cause of the trigger problem.
SWICS is collecting partial science data and the instrument team is
investigating the optimum configuration for the instrument.

MCPPS=Multi-Channel Plate Power Supply, ESA=ElectroStatic Analyzer,


Data Capture:  100%  DOY 275-282 2011

NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has set up a new server in
Suitland, MD for receiving ACE telemetry.  The MMOC started sending
telemetry to both the Boulder, CO server and the Suitland, MD server
starting Saturday 10/08/2011.  The MMOC had been sending data to a test
server at Suitland, MD from 08/31/2011 to 09/17/2011.

The Authorization to Connect to the AFSCN has been approved.  Data
successfully flowed from AFSCN to GSFC MMOC to NOAA SWPC from 10/09/2011
(DOY 282) 2247z to 10/10/2011 (DOY 283) 0530z.

GRAIL has reduced the amount of DSN antenna time they are using.  The
SSR procedures will be changed back so that the SSRs are recording
during the pass.  In December, GRAIL antenna usage is expected to
increase again.


DOY 278  10/05/2011  S-ACE-0629  G11-0055  Range Calibration Problems
The ground station had troubles performing pre-pass range calibration.
DRs G112018 & G112020.
IMPACT: Activities delayed 25 minutes.  This put the SSR playback
further behind schedule.  But all playback data was eventually caught up
on Sunday 10/09/2011.

DOY 281  10/08/2011  S-ACE-0506  S10-0004  S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I RH Limit
S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I had a brief red high limit violation (RH > 480 mV).
	2011-281 14:21:51 - 14:21:52  486.328-505.938 mV
Mark Popecki was notified.
IMPACT: The last brief S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I red high limit violation was DOY
139 2010.