ACE Weekly 10/24/2011 - 10/31/2011

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Tuesday 11/01/2011.


DOY 298 (10/25/2011)  1440z  SWICS MOCR 338
Trigger set to Energy Only Mode with no calibration.

SWICS is collecting partial science data as the instrument team is
investigating the optimum configuration for the instrument and also how
to eliminate the noise from the excessive triggering.


Data Capture:  100%  DOY 296-303 2011

NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) started using their new data
ingest server for operations on 10/25/2011 (DOY 298).  The MMOC had been
forwarding data to both the old and new servers since 10/11/2011 (DOY
284).  NOAA SWPC disconnected their old server on 10/31/2011 (DOY 304).

The ULEIS shutter autonomously closed during during last week's solar
activity.  The ULEIS shutter can also close down to 1% if there is
enough solar activity.
	Mon Oct 24 2011, DOY 297 09:00:01z closed to 25%
	Mon Oct 24 2011, DOY 297 16:08:49z closed to 6%
	Tue Oct 25 2011, DOY 298 15:30:25z open   to 25%
	Wed Oct 26 2011, DOY 299 15:38:57z open   to 100%

