ACE Weekly 11/29/2011 - 12/05/2011

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


        Type        Attitude
        Date        12/02/2011
        DOY         336 2011
        Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
        Duration    16:23 min
        Start       21:11:07z
        Stop        21:27:30z
        HGAStart    -8.52deg
        HGAStop     +7.54deg
        SunStart     5.24deg
        SunStop     15.18deg
        SpinStart   5.0414rpm
        SpinStop    5.0458rpm
        Nutation     0.09deg
        Firing      83 pulses
        FuelUsed      0.2595lbs
        FuelRemain  125.1208lbs
        FinalSCMass 1359.381lbs

The next attitude maneuver and station keeping #59 are scheduled for
Thursday 12/15/2011.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 331-338 2011

FDF stopped delivering ACE products (ephemeris, INP, IIRV, etc) to the
old FDF Product Center on Monday December 5, 2011.  FDF products for the
antennas supporting NOAA SWPC are being emailed to the sites.  FDF
products for MMOC operations are being retrieved from the new FDF

During last week's solar activity, the ULEIS shutter autonomously
closed.  The ULEIS shutter can also close down to 6% and 1% if there is
enough solar activity.
        Mon Nov 28 2011, DOY 332 21:09:32z closed to 25%
        Wed Nov 30 2011, DOY 334 01:27:39z open to 100%

Background Information:
The other spacecraft reconfiguration that can occur during solar
activity is the CRIS Image Intensifier powering off, which has not
occurred since 2006.  The following table shows the frequency of these
onboard reconfigurations.

        Year  CRIS-II off  ULEIS shutter movement
        ----  -----------  ----------------------
        2000       3          N/A
        2001       5          31 (after 10/11/2001)
        2002       2          43
        2003       1          38
        2004       1          34
        2005       3          36
        2006       1          12
        2007       0          0
        2008       0          0
        2009       0          0
        2010       0          4
        2011       0          24

