ACE Weekly 12/20/2011 - 12/26/2011

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


No maneuvers were performed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Thursday 12/29/2011.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 352-359 2011

There will be two short gaps (31 seconds each) in the upcoming week as
SSR failovers occur.  This is due to the MUS problem on 12/25/2011 (DOY
259) and the limited antenna time while GRAIL is preparing for their
Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI).
	Wed 12/28/2011 DOY 362 ~1050z
	Fri 12/30/2011 DOY 364 ~0050z

The new FDF product server stopped accepting automated logins from the
MMOC on 12/22/2011.  The FDF system administrator has been notified and
hopefully this will be resolved next year.  Currently automated login is
only being used for retrieving the 28-day ephemeris for NOAA SWPC.  That
ephemeris is generated once every 3 weeks and won't be needed for
another 2 weeks (last generated 12/21/2011).


DOY 259  12/25/2011  S-ACE-0587  G11-0015  No Telemetry from MUS
The MMOC SLE software (Multi-User SLE, MUS) was not sending RT telemetry
to ITOS or ace_data_fwd.  This is an occasional problem (see table
below).  MUS was stopped and restarted, however, previous occurrences
have been fixed with a simple disconnect/connect.
IMPACT:  This pass was short (2hrs 10min) and by the time the FOT
arrived in the MMOC, there was only 40 minutes left in the pass.  MUS
was fixed, but the playback wasn't started to avoid a large SSR

Previous occurrences of MUS RT telemetry issues.  Future occurrences
will be appended to the last SOAR.
	11/05/2010 S-ACE-0554 G10-0070
	12/11/2010 S-ACE-0565 G10-0080
	01/24/2011 S-ACE-0582 G11-0010
	02/24/2011 S-ACE-0587 G11-0015
	12/02/2011 S-WIND-0558