ACE Weekly 02/14/2012 - 02/20/2012

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Tuesday 02/21/2012.


DOY 047 (02/16/2012)  2125-2135z  SIS-046  9 commands
Optimize the performance of SIS instrument after the recent SEP event
and subsequent commanding to disable some Matrix detector strips and
raise their thresholds. Disable Matrix detector strips # 46 and 48 on
M1B GND side. Raise the threshold of strips # 30 and 33 on M1A GND side,
and 48 on M1A HV side. Increase the default software threshold for
Matrix strips on Telescope B from 3 to 4 channels.


Data Capture:  100%  DOY 043-050 2012

The automated account for accessing the new FDF server has not been
working since 2/6/2012 (2 weeks).


DOY 045  02/14/2012  S-ACE-0640  G12-0002  ace_gri process dead
The "ace_gri" tool updates the Ground Reference Image to match the
spacecraft's onboard command bins.  The ace_gri tool failed to update
the GRI after the command to disable the SSR failover autonomy bin had
been sent.  It is believed that the ace_gri linux process died before
the process was complete.  The CPU usage from the ITOS event windows had
been ~90% since 2/1/2012.  After trouble-shooting the ace_gri problem,
the ITOS event database was cleared of January 2012 event messages.  The
ITOS event windows went back to minimal CPU usage.  It is unknown what
had happened to the ITOS event database that caused the CPU usage to be
so high, or why clearing the January 2012 event messages fixed the
problem.  But the reduced CPU usage is expected reduce the likelihood of
linux processes dying.
IMPACT:  A warning was generated when the Ground Reference Image did not
match the spacecraft onboard command bins.