ACE Weekly 02/28/2012 - 03/05/2012

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver and
station-keeping #60 are scheduled for Monday 03/12/2012.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 057-064 2012

During last week's solar activity, the ULEIS shutter autonomously
closed and reopened
	Sun Feb 26 2012, DOY 057 19:52:30z closed to 25%
	Sun Feb 26 2012, DOY 057 21:11:26z closed to 6%
	Tue Feb 28 2012, DOY 058 19:03:26z opened to 25%
	Tue Feb 28 2012, DOY 058 21:26:22z opened to 100%

WS1 is an 18-meter Near Earth Network (NEN) antenna in White Sands, New
Mexico.  It is mainly used by the LRO mission.  Work is continuing to
validate WS1 for ACE when the Deep Space Network (DSN) antenna time is
limited and LRO passes do not conflict (LRO has priority).  Since
October 2011, WS1 has been occasionally tracking ACE, both at low and
high data rates.  WS1 has been sending data to the MMOC since 1/27/2012.
The only problems have been when the Sun-Earth-Vehicle (SEV) angle has
been small.

Command testing was performed on Thursday 3/1/2012 and Friday 3/2/2012.
The Friday test was successful and NO_OP (no operation) commands were
received by the spacecraft.  Work continues to prepare for WS1 use (e.g.
range data, data processing tools, etc).

Since 9/17/2011, the MMOC had been unable to connect to NOAA SWPC's
development real-time data server.  The problem turned out to be with
the Goddard RIONet Gateway Request.  That was fixed on 2/28/2012.
(SWPC=Space Weather Prediction Center)

