ACE Weekly 03/13/2012 - 03/19/2012

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Wednesday 03/28/2012.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 071-078 2012


DOY 068 03/08/2012  S-ACE-0639  S12-0001  SWEPAM-E Overcount Alarm
The SWEPAM-Electron Overcount Alarm briefly flagged continuously during
the solar storm in the prior week.
	2012-068 11:45:35 - 11:49:51  2 instances
	2012-068 12:06:55 - 12:13:19  3 instances
When it flags continuously (2 or more times in a row), we note it with
an anomaly report and notify the instrument team.
IMPACT:  The instrument automatically reduces voltages when the
overcount alarm occurs.

Days when SWEPAM-E Overcount Alarm Flagged

	      Intermittent             Intermittent & Continuous
	1997  0                        0
	1998  1 (352)                  0
	1999  0                        0
	2000  0                        3 (196-197,314)
	2001  5 (268,309-310,327-328)  0
	2002  1 (111)                  0
	2003  3 (303,306-307)          2 (301-302)
	2004  1 (208)                  0
	2005  4 (017-018,020,135)      0
	2006  4 (341-343,347)          0
	2007  0                        0
	2008  0                        0
	2009  0                        0
	2010  0                        0
	2011  1 (217)                  0
	2012  11 (see below)           2 (024,068)

2012 list of days with intermittent SWEPAM-E Overcount Alarm