ACE Weekly 06/19/2012 - 06/25/2012

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        06/22/2012
	DOY         174 2012
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    15:22 min
	Start       14:38:38z
	Stop        14:54:00z
	HGAStart    -6.77deg
	HGAStop     +7.57deg
	SunStart     6.51deg
	SunStop     18.17deg
	SpinStart   5.0547rpm
	SpinStop    5.0591rpm
	Nutation     0.14deg
	Firing      78 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.2380lbs
	FuelRemain  120.9256lbs
	FinalSCMass 1355.186lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Thursday 07/12/2012.


DOY 173 (06/21/2012) 1823-1826z  SWPE-043  Overcount Threshold ->0x80
DOY 177 (06/25/2012) 1638-1640z  SWPE-043  Overcount Threshold ->0xFF
The SWEPAM-Electron overcount alarm had been flagging ~45% of the time
in April and May 2012.  It has been flagging almost continuously in June
2012.  The instrument team has increased the overcount threshold.  The
following table shows the SWEPAM-Electron overcount threshold over the

Date       Threshold  Notes
---------- ---------  -------------------------------------------------
original   0x04 1024  overcount: 5 days out of ~4000 days (1997-2001)

10/04/2001 0x03  768
11/15/2001 0x02  512
11/30/2001 0x01  256  overcount: 5 days out of 246 days (2001-2002)

06/07/2002 0x80  128  flight code 1.14 changes threshold step size
                      previous 0x01 = 256; current 0x80 = 128
                      overcount: 11 days out of ~1200 days (2002-2005)

10/07/2005 0x20   32  lowered for solar minimum
                      overcount: 5 days out of ~2300 days (2005-2011)

                      overcount flagging increases starting 1/22/2012
06/02/2012 0x40   64  overcount starts flagging almost continuously
06/21/2012 0x80  128  overcount continues flagging almost continuously
06/25/2012 0xFF  255  waiting for next week's data

With the threshold of 0x80 set last Thursday (6/12), the overcount
threshold continues to flag almost continuously.  This is the same
threshold used from 2002-2005 when the overcount alarm flagged on only
11 days over 3 years.  The instrument team will need to discuss other
options if the 0xFF threshold does not stop the overcount alarm.

The instrument is still collecting science.  The overcount threshold
reduces voltages to extend the life of the instrument.


Data Capture:  100%  DOY 169-176 2012

