ACE Weekly 08/14/2012 - 08/20/2012

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type        Attitude       SK-62
	Date        08/20/2012     08/20/2012
	DOY         233 2012       233 2012
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-     3A 4A
	Duration    19:27 min      49.333 sec
	Start       14:16:22z      15:45:53z
	Stop        14:35:49z      15:46:43z
	HGAStart    -8.01deg       +7.88deg
	HGAStop     +7.88deg       +7.90deg
	SunStart    10.84deg        5.15deg
	SunStop      5.15deg        5.13deg
	SpinStart   5.0664rpm      5.0707rpm
	SpinStop    5.0707rpm      5.0596rpm
	Nutation     0.12deg        0.07deg
	Firing      99 pulses      Continuous
	FuelUsed      0.2951lbs      0.1680lbs
	FuelRemain  120.1272lbs    119.9592lbs
	FinalSCMass 1354.387lbs    1354.219lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Thursday 09/06/2012.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 225-232 2012

WS1 had a short test on Monday 8/20/2012.  The WS1 Ground Receipt Time
still has 2 problems: 1) the time occasionally reads 1/1/2012 0000z and
2) the millisecond field isn't populated.  The SSMO review for ACE using
the WS1 ground antenna has been scheduled for Friday August 31.


DOY 233  08/20/2012  S-ACE-0648  G12-0010  DSN DCD Problems
DSN's Data Capture and Delivery (DCD) system had a manual failover
(1647z); this impacted all Goldstone antennas.  DSS-24 had further
problems when their TLP (Telemetry Processor) failed to reconnect to the
DCD after the failover.  After 10 minutes (1657z), the station reset the
connection.  The 10 minutes of data (both realtime and playback) flowed
to the MMOC until telemetry was caught up.  DR# G113138 & G113139.  DCD
problems last impacted an ACE pass on 09/21/2011 (S-ACE-0627 G11-0053).
IMPACT:  Data was delayed by 10 minutes, but was "backfilled" such that
there was only a 4 second gap in realtime data and no gap in playback
data.  NOAA SWPC and ASC occasionally have problems when backfilled data
is rapidly sent; however no problems were reported.