ACE Weekly 08/21/2012 - 08/27/2012

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Thursday 09/06/2012.


DOY 234 (08/21/2012) 1503-1506z  SWICS-036  Change event prioritization
The SWICS instrument team changed the prioritization of events in
telemetry to improve science collection.  The event prioritization had
previously been updated on 5/31/2012 (SWICS-035).


Data Capture:  100%  DOY 232-239 2012

The SSMO review for ACE using the WS1 ground antenna has been
rescheduled for Monday September 10.

Saturday 9/25/2012 was the 15 year anniversary of ACE.


DOY 234  08/21/2012  S-ACE-0649  G12-0011  Clockcal read before updated
The ace_pass procedure executes all activities in an ACE pass.  The
procedure tried to read the clock calibration file before the file had
been updated.  The procedure halted and generated an error.  A manual
"goto" was executed to re-read the file.  This type of problem last
occurred on 5/1/2010 (G10-0023) in a different section of ace_pass.
MOCR 477 has been created to add more delay before the reading the clock
calibration file.
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required to continue the ace_pass