ACE Weekly 01/03/2012 - 1/09/2012

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Thursday 01/12/2012.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 001-008 2012


The "Ground Antenna Stop" problem was not listed in last week's report.

DOY 365  12/31/2012  S-ACE-0636  G11-0062  Ground Antenna Stop
DSS-27 antenna emergency stop was activated about 1 hour before End Of
Track.  Cause is unknown.  Tracking resumed within 10 minutes.
IMPACT: Minimal.  Data captured during redumps.

DOY 003  01/03/2012  S-ACE-0523  S10-0007  Increase in SBE_CT_B
SSR B Single Bit Error Count (SBE_CT_B) increased from 10995 to 11639
since last checked on DOY 355 (12/21/2011).  SBE_CT is tracked as a
measure of SSR health.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Single Bit Errors are automatically corrected by the
SSR.  No non-correctable errors (Hard Single Bit Errors & Double Bit
Errors) have occurred throughout the mission.

	       SBE_CT_A  SBE_CT_B
	1999   15
	2003   270       286
	2004             858
	2006             2118
	2007   510       3238
	2008             4533
	2009   525       6839
	2010   780       7339
	2011             10995
	2012             11639

DOY 008  01/08/2012  S-ACE-0635  G11-0061  No Telemetry from MUS
The MMOC SLE software (Multi-User SLE, MUS) was not sending RT telemetry
to ITOS or ace_data_fwd.  This last occurred 12/25/2011.  MOCR 381 had
implemented a simple disconnect/connect for these situations, but that
did not fix the problem on this day.  MUS needed to be restarted.
IMPACT:  Manual intervention required.  Activities delayed 25 minutes.

A SLE/MUS problem occurs every few months.  But there have been SLE/MUS
problems for the past 3 weekends.  This is likely just a random
coincidence.  The MMOC is using MUS 3.0.  MUS 4.1 is undergoing testing
and may solve some of these problems.