ACE Weekly 10/16/2012 - 10/23/2012

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type        Attitude      Attitude
	Date        10/18/2012    10/23/2012
	DOY         292 2012      297 2012
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-    2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    12:05 min     8:08 min
	Start       18:55:12z     20:14:32z
	Stop        19:07:17z     20:22:40z
	HGAStart    -4.40deg      -7.76deg
	HGAStop     +8.81deg      +9.16deg
	SunStart     9.87deg      11.33deg
	SunStop     10.80deg       9.93deg
	SpinStart   5.0711rpm     5.0742rpm
	SpinStop    5.0740rpm     5.0762rpm
	Nutation     0.09deg       0.18deg
	Firing      62 pulses     42 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.1926lbs     0.1352lbs
	FuelRemain  119.0148lbs   118.8796lbs
	FinalSCMass 1353.275lbs   1353.140lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 10/30/2012.

We have started weekly Tuesday attitude maneuvers (see MOCR 501 below)
to maximize the spacecraft's sun angle.  These reports will start
including the weekly sun and SEV (Sun-Earth-Vehicle) angle averages.
The SEV angle is a good indicator of what the sun angle would have been,
with a few caveats too long to list here.  The instrument team prefers
sun angles above 13 degrees, but that won't be possible for the fraction
of time that the SEV angle is less than ~7 degrees.

	averages from 10/18/2012 to 10/23/2012
	SEV Angle   5.1 deg
	Sun Angle  11.0 deg


DOY 292 (10/18/2012) 1947-1955z SIS-048 7 cmds
DOY 293 (10/19/2012) 2024-2028z SIS-048 modified 5 cmds
Disabled noisy M1B HV strips # 31 & 32 and raise their threshold.  There
are a total of 512 strips in the M1 and M2 detectors in the two SIS
telescopes.  So far 38 strips have been disabled since launch and 2 VLSI
readout channels were not working at launch.  One sis_vstring command
was not correctly processed by the instrument on 10/18/2012 causing 2
strips to be excluded.  The command sequence was modified and
successfully completed on 10/19/2012.  See AR S12-0002 below for more

DOY 292 (10/18/2012) MOCR 501 Maximize spacecraft sun angle
The SWEPAM team proposal to keep the spacecraft at larger sun angles
with weekly attitude maneuvers has been approved.  The SWEPAM-Ion
instrument has a series of channel electron multipliers (CEMs) and
larger sun angles allows more responsive CEMs to measure the solar wind.
This especially improves the density measurement from the instrument.


Data Capture:  100%  DOY 288-295 2012

A WS1 certification pass was completed on 10/23/2012.  The playback
network disconnect problem has been resolved; the issue was a
configuration error with NASCOM.  There was a short 10 minute delay with
the station setup at Beginning of Track.  Data forwarding to NOAA was
disabled for 30 minutes while testing the MMOC configuration.
Nevertheless, all nominal aspects of the pass were successful.


DOY 292  10/18/2012  S-ACE-0653  S12-0002  SIS cmd problem
While executing OCR SIS-048, one of the sis_vstring commands was not
correctly processed by the instrument.
	/com.sis_vstring statement="99 98 96 95 90 89 81 80 79 78"
This caused a couple of Matrix strips (#78 and 66) to be excluded from
the array being written to.  The command sequence was resent on the
following day with the problem command split into 2 commands.
	/com.sis_vstring statement="99 98 96 95 90"
	/com.sis_vstring statement="89 81 80 79 78"
It is unknown why the original command was not successfully processed,
the data string met the 29 character constraint.  But this is the first
sis_vstring statement sent with 10 values in the string.
IMPACT:  The instrument was always in a safe state.  A couple of Matrix
strips (#78 and 66) were excluded from the array being written to, until
the corrected sequence was sent on the following day.