ACE Weekly 02/27/2013 - 03/05/2013

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        03/05/2013
	DOY         064 2013
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    7:06 min
	Start       15:33:22z
	Stop        15:40:28z
	HGAStart    -8.68deg
	HGAStop     +8.88deg
	SunStart    17.87deg
	SunStop     14.10deg
	SpinStart   5.0833rpm
	SpinStop    5.0845rpm
	Nutation     0.19deg
	Firing      36 pulses
	FuelUsed      0.1174lbm
	FuelRemain  115.9156lbm
	FinalSCMass 1350.176lbm

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 03/12/2013.




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 055-062 2013


DOY 059  02/28/2013  S-ACE-0659  G13-0003  mmocops3b hard drive failure
The MMOC has 10 linux workstations that were shipped in July 2008.  The
disk drive failure on mmocops3b is the first hardware failure of any of
these computers.  The hard drive warranty ended in July 2011.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  The computer is a backup for the "GMSEC bus" which is
used for sending messages to be emailed to the team during a pass.  The
prime GMSEC bus is still running.  Also, operations would still continue
if the GMSEC bus failed, but the email messages from the system wouldn't
be sent.  The system administrators have ordered a new drive and will
configure it from a backup.

Average Sun Angles With Weekly Attitude Maneuvers

Dates         Avg Sun    Avg SEV   Sun-SEV (indicates extra s/c tilt)
-----------   -------    -------   ----------------------------------
10/18-10/23   11.0deg     5.1deg    5.9deg
10/23-10/28    9.3deg     3.3deg    6.0deg
10/28-11/06    7.3deg     2.0deg    5.3deg
11/06-11/13    8.4deg     3.8deg    4.6deg
11/13-11/20   10.3deg     6.3deg    4.0deg
11/20-11/27   12.7deg     8.6deg    4.1deg
11/27-12/04   14.9deg    10.1deg    4.8deg
12/04-12/11   16.0deg    10.9deg    5.1deg
12/11-12/18   16.8deg    11.3deg    5.5deg
12/18-12/27   16.5deg    10.7deg    5.8deg
12/27-01/03   16.0deg     9.1deg    6.9deg
01/03-01/08   15.2deg     7.2deg    8.0deg
01/08-01/15   13.8deg     6.0deg    7.8deg
01/15-01/22   12.3deg     4.0deg    8.3deg
01/22-01/29   10.6deg     2.4deg    8.2deg
01/29-02/05    9.1deg     3.2deg    5.9deg
02/05-02/12    8.4deg     5.1deg    3.3deg
02/12-02/19   12.2deg     7.0deg    5.0deg
02/19-02/26   14.3deg     8.8deg    5.5deg
02/26-03/05   15.6deg    10.4deg    5.2deg