ACE Weekly 07/03/2013 - 07/09/2013

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type         Attitude        SK-66
	Date         07/09/2013      07/09/2013
	DOY          190 2013        190 2013
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-      1A 2A
	Duration     5:11 min        29.82 seconds
	Start        16:35:21z       17:42:54z
	Stop         16:40:32z       17:43:25z
	HGAStart     -9.00 deg       +8.95 deg
	HGAStop      +8.95 deg       +8.94 deg
	SpinStart    4.9522 rpm      4.9530 rpm
	SpinStop     4.9530 rpm      4.9439 rpm
	Nutation      0.19 deg       0.42 deg
	Firing       26 pulses       Continuous
	FuelUsed       0.0883 lbm      0.1022 lbm
	FuelRemain   113.3148 lbm    113.2124 lbm
	FinalSCMass  1347.575 lbm    1347.473 lbm

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Monday 07/15/2013.

Background Information
The L1 point is unstable and the spacecraft has a tendency to drift
towards the sun (heliocentric orbit) or the Earth (geocentric orbit).
Station Keeping maneuvers keep the spacecraft in the L1 region.  As ACE
drifts farther from L1, it takes more fuel to return to the L1 halo
orbit.  With weekly attitude maneuvers, there are more perturbations of
ACE's L1 orbit and the need to perform a station keeping maneuver may
come quickly.  Fortunately, ACE maneuvers are streamlined and it is easy
to insert a station keeping maneuver.

This past week, the Flight Dynamics team provided the following station
keeping maneuver options and it was decided to perform the maneuver this
week (7/9/2013).

    SK-66 Date  Delta-V Magnitude (cm/s)
    ----------  ------------------------
	7/9           15.68
	7/16          21.2
	7/23          27.8




Data Capture:  100%  DOY 181-188 2013

A Santiago ranging/uplink test was performed Tuesday 7/9/2013
(1300-1400z).  The uplink was established at 1334z and no problems were
observed while monitoring the spacecraft.  Santiago started with a 1kW
uplink and increased to 2kW (Santiago had used 10kW during the 4/15/2013
test).  FDF's analysis of the test will be included in next week's

Uplink power at spacecraft (high gain antenna angle ~8 degrees)

	antenna            power    EIRP   power seen by ACE (HGA)
	----------------  ------- -------- -----------------
	DSN BWG      34m   2,000W  99 dBW     -91 dBm
	NEN Santiago  9m  10,000W  73 dBW    -103 dBm (4/15/2013)
	DSN DSS-27   34m     250W  78 dBW    -105 dBm
	NEN Santiago  9m   2,000W  73 dBW    -107 dBm (7/9/2013)
	NEN Santiago  9m   1,000W  73 dBW    -110 dBm (7/9/2013)
	NEN WS1      18m     150W  80 dBW    -113 dBm

