ACE Weekly 07/10/2013 - 07/16/2013

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.


	Type         Attitude
	Date         07/15/2013
	DOY          196 2013
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration     4:59 min
	Start        16:44:33z
	Stop         16:49:32z
	HGAStart     -8.83 deg
	HGAStop      +8.92 deg
	SunStart     12.71 deg
	SunStop      13.06 deg
	SpinStart    4.9438 rpm
	SpinStop     4.9448 rpm
	Nutation      0.07 deg
	Firing       25 pulses
	FuelUsed       0.0854 lbm
	FuelRemain   113.1272 lbm
	FinalSCMass  1347.387 lbm

The DSN Goldstone site was down for a "G86 power cutover" on Tuesday
07/16/2013.  No Goldstone antennas were available during the day and
this week's maneuver was scheduled for Monday.

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 07/23/2013.


DOY 196 (07/15/2013) 1729-1731z  SWICS-037  Change event prioritization
The SWICS instrument team changed the event prioritization for
telemetry.  This, along with the 2 previous OCRs (SWICS-035 5/31/2012 &
SWICS-036 8/21/2012), are in response to the time-of-flight trigger
anomaly that started 08/23/2011 which resulted in an increased
background.  In particular, this week's commanding set the protons and
alphas to the bulk of old nominal region.


Data Capture:  100%  DOY 188-195 2013

The analysis of the second Santiago ranging/uplink test (7/9/2013) has
been completed.  Santiago will provide southern hemisphere ranging for
DSCOVR mission.  ACE operations may also be interested in using Santiago
depending on availability.  There were several problems and additional
tests will be scheduled as Near Earth Network team works these issues.
None of these issues affect current ACE operations, but are included
here as information.

* Santiago downlink freq was set to 2278.00 instead of 2278.368 MHz.
* The 10 second round-trip light time is 10,000,000,000 nanoseconds,
  which can't be stored by a 4 byte integer (4,294,967,296).
  The range can be corrected by adding 8,589,934,592 (2 "overflows")
* After the correcting for the 2 overflows, the Santiago range was
  still incorrect.  (1,288,948 km versus the expected 1,598,534 km)
* Doppler needs to be compensated with the 240/221 dnlk/uplk ratio.
* Doppler problems also occurred due to the wrong dnlk frequency.
* Doppler at the minute mark is flagged as invalid.
* Santiago had troubles locking onto the downlink carrier.
* Also, ACE was farther away for the 7/9/2013 test
	4/15/2013 ~1,419,641 km
	7/9/2013  ~1,598,534 km (ACE max range ~1,600,500km)

The next Santiago ranging test is scheduled for Thursday 7/18/2013.

DOY 186  07/05/2013  1400-1700z  DSS-24  ACE Return To Service Demo
Note, this should have been included in last week's report.
No problems were found with the RTS Demo with DSN's DSS-24.  DSS-24 (34m
antenna in Goldstone, CA) has been down since 4/29/2013 for "AZ Track
Replacement", "Depot Level Maintenance" and "Gain Select Installation".
DSS-24 started taking passes on 7/13/2013.  Note, there are 6 DSN
stations available for ACE, 80% of the ACE passes are with DSS-27 and
<10% are with DSS-24.

NOAA SWPC has several antennas for tracking ACE for real-time solar wind
data.  The NICT antenna in Tokyo will be unavailable from October 2013
to March 2014.  The KSWA antenna on Jeju Island will be able to cover
the time.  During typhoons, however, AFSCN time will be requested.
Note, NOAA activities are separate from the Goddard Flight Operations,
but noteworthy topics are occasionally included in this report.

